Life's adventures with Matt, Amanda and the girls... Makenzie and Madison!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Mission Accomplished!

It's 2:30 in the afternoon... Makenzie is down for her nap and I'm blogging away!  What a DAY I have had.  I had a really good day yesterday too!  Yesterday AM Makenzie and I went to a playgroup where we read a book, sang, danced, painted, and of course played!  After that I headed over to my Grandparents house (which I normally do on a regular basis and haven't been there in about 2 months!).  We had a great visit, mooched some lunch then headed home for nap time.  It felt so good to be OUT OF THE HOUSE!!!  And I missed my gma and gpa something fierce!!!

So this morning I decided that I would make a "To Do" list for me and see if I can regain control of this casa.  Last time I tried cleaning it made me feel pretty sick and I dry heaved my way thru it.  But I made the list anyways figuring we'll see what happens.  The list was L-O-N-G.  This would take me a week to do!  BUT, I got almost all of it done!  I can't believe it.  I didn't waste any time this morning, I stayed in my pj's and went right to work.  Gave Makenzie mini projects to do along the way and my "To Do" list is almost done!  I'm shocked and so happy!  It feels good to do stuff around the house again. 

My camera's date must be off.... hmm... here's Makenzie with a painting project today!  Shaving cream and glue!

Dinner is smelling yummy in the crock pot in my sparkling CLEAN kitchen!  And I am off to shower and get ready for the day!

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