Life's adventures with Matt, Amanda and the girls... Makenzie and Madison!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


 Finally... here are the Valentine's day pictures!
Time to make some Valentine's!

"Red" Lunch

Nap time is over! (Yes the boots join most days!)
How lucky Matt was that I made these for him!!  They even ALL made it until he got home!

Our Valentines!
 Matt came home with some flowers for me AND Makenzie!!  Oh Man... did she think that was neat!!  What a sweet Daddy huh!?!?
Check out all the snow we have been getting!!!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

I love Valentine's Day!  LOL, Matt and I never really do a whole lot... but I just Love Love :0)   As a kid I LOVED making my Valentine Mail Box and writing out all my Valentine's and getting them!  I'm 100% disappointed that there seems to be an age limit on that.  If it were my way we would each still make our Valentine Mail Boxes and leave them at our door step and you spend the day delivering your Valentine's!  (I mean... who gets mail they really get excited about???  Who wouldn't get excited about this??)

Matt's Valentine's would be of a truck or a big buck.  And the To and From would be in my handwriting because he'd never get around to filling them out.  Mine would be all girly!  And personalized!  Fun huh?

Today I had planned on having Claire and Joshua over for a good chunk of the day while their mama spent the afternoon SOLO!  Then Lisa was going to head out with her Valentine for dinner....  BUT.... she got the stomach flu last night.  So instead I made an activity bag for the kids and headed over with that and a simple lunch and dinner so Lisa could re-coop. 

Makenzie and I had a nice Valentiney lunch of RED strawberries, RED cherry yogurt, and RED spaghetti pie!  Then we made our Valentine's!  Turned out pretty snazzy I must say.  We also made cookies...I just need to frost the cookies and we are all ready.

Pictures to come!!

(BTW: I DID make sugar cookies yesterday... just like I said.  BUT... didn't get a chance to frost them which means they didn't have sprinkles!  Today's batch will be frosted!)

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Cookies, Frosting & Sprinkles!!

So this morning we are at Makenzie's Library program... when I walk in, right away I spot: cookies, frosting and sprinkles.  Jackpot!!!


After we had a story read to us, we went to the table and each kid got a plate of Nilla Wafer cookies (there were 5) a scoop of frosting and sprinkles to decorate them.  5 is WAY too much for a 2 year old at eleven in the morning, especially when there were all sorts of toys she could play with.  I was getting excited, I could almost taste them.  I thought for SURE I'd get one or two cookies.  And I got none.


All the other kids had a cookie and ditched them to go play with the toys and the Mom's finished them.  My daughter... patiently ate them all... slowly... savoring each bite. 

Seriously!?!?  I was drooling!  Couldn't anyone see that?? 

I was SOOOO tempted to ask one of the other mom's if I could finish their kid's plates!  BUT I don't know these people really... and c'mon... show some resistance. 

Instead I will head to the kitchen right now and go make my OWN cookies and my OWN frosting.  Then decorate and eat! 

Happy 5th Birthday Caleb!!!

This past Saturday our (oldest) nephew was turning 5!!!  I feel like we skipped a year with him!  I remember before I was pregnant with Makenzie every time we would come over he'd walk right up to me to be picked up. I LOVED that.  Then I got pregnant and he grew up and would look my way, give a quick smile, and go back to doing whatever he was doing.  No more cuddles :-(   His Mama get's cuddles tho!  And that's the most important person to get them. 

Out of all the cousins that Makenzie has Caleb is just the sweetest most gentle one she's got.  He is SOOOO good with her it is so sweet.  He's just got such a sweet personality and loves showing Makenzie how to do things and is so patient teaching her!!! 
Playing with the new "chainsaw" from Grandma & Grandpa!
He may be sweet... but he is ALL boy!! 

I was in a toss up all week as to what to do... his party was at 1 and Makenzie was going down for a nap at 1:30.  Matt had to work Saturday, so he was out altogether.  Well Friday Miss Makenzie didn't take a nap and by 9:30 Saturday morning she was throwing a monster temper tantrum.  Which wonderfully lasted until just before 11.  At that point I quickly put a 5 day menu together, shopping list (this normally takes me hours to do... not sure how I got it done so quickly!!), and we left to do some shopping.  Which ALWAYS cheers her up or keeps her entertained. 

Thankfully it did, because after having a few of those last week and Matt working my patience was wearing thin.  We came home did a quick lunch and she was fast asleep by one!  So no "Happy" party for us :-(  But I figured I'd make the best of it.  We have a pretty big closet at our garage entry way and we've talked about turning it into a mud room.  Nothing huge, but it's better than nothing.

This was one of those projects that made a giant mess.  And in order to clean this closet that was PACKED I had to find a new home for everything.  Which meant that I had to reorganize other areas to get one cleared out. 

This picture was when I was almost done!  I should have taken a before and after... well we don't really have an after yet!  
Coats covered the wall on the right and all my canning jars covered the shelves on the left.  All of this is gone!!  Yippee!

Eventually we got the room cleared out, Matt got everything off the walls.  And for NOW it works.  It is in some desperate need of fresh paint and a new light fixture.  We have coat hooks hung up against the far wall and on one of the side walls we have our boots lined up and a card table chair to sit on.  (Fancy huh!?!?  We will have a bench there with cubbies on one side to put gloves, mittens, hats, etc. in!)  It's a little hillbilly right now but I am loving it.  It's so nice having Makenzie up off the ground while I'm getting her ready to go outside and to have all of our boots OUT of the hallway! 

Monday, February 11, 2013

15 Weeks!

15 weeks!  Yay!  It seems like it has taken FOREVER to get here!!  Had my 15 week checkup last Wednesday.  Makenzie woke up ready to go to the "bebe" doctor.  Off we went.  She loves listening to your heartbeat and listens to her stuffed animals heartbeats too.  Let me rephrase that... I don't think she listens... she loves PRETENDING she's listening to the heartbeat while she goes "bum bum... bum bum" in a quiet whisper.  I thought she would get a kick out of listening to the baby's heartbeat.... BUT she was to interested in all the other gadgets the doctor had!

Appt went fine.  I'm measuring right on track.  It took a little bit to find the baby's heartbeat... scared me!  But I think the doctor was just in the wrong spot... this baby was low low low, like right on top of my pelvic bone.
My special treat that I get while Makenzie sleeps!  Thank you Matt!

Week 15:
Weight: Up 10 lbs
Cravings: Sweets!!!  FINALLY... this is my favorite part!!  It makes me happy :-)
Sleeping: Uncomfy, ever other night is a good one!

Our next appt is in a few weeks for the ultrasound.  Not 100% sure if we are going to find out.  I don't think that I want to... I told Matt it can be up to him!

8 Weeks
11 Weeks

14 Weeks

I also had a chiropractor's appt last week... I got really bad headaches and he fixed it!  I just love my chiropractor!!  Before I left he was telling me all the different adjustments and treatments that he can do while I'm pregnant.  Thank goodness because with the 50 lbs (yes 50) I gained with Makenize by the end I hurt SOOO bad and if he can give me some relief... I'm game!!

Oh!  9:30 last night Matt and I felt the baby move with our hands!!  I've been feeling the baby move for a few weeks now, but last night was the first time we could feel the baby with our hands. Precious!

Snowy Days!

Okay.... winter is FINALLY here!  Thank you, Mother Nature!!  I was getting really tired of looking at the dead grass and bare trees.  The snow sure does beautify things and makes for an easy form of entertainment by taking Makenzie outside!

Little Chef helping Daddy make cabbage soup!

Time for a quick shovel before lunch!

Happy 80th Birthday Poppa!!! (Great Grandpa) We made him a card and delivered it with some cookies!!

Too cold to play outside, so we made snowmen indoors!!

I barely caught this before the hug was over... ya gotta move FAST with these two!
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We had a lot of running around to do last week.  We had three different appointments on three different days, a play date, and the typical housework stuff.  I don't feel like I go about these things as quickly as what I was but I am not getting exhausted when I do them!  Yay for more energy!!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Miss My Posts??

We've had a pretty busy week and I have a little girl that doesn't want to take a nap!  My downtime is during her naps, I'm not getting it, so the morning sickness has been bad the evenings she doesn't take a nap. 

She's been taking a nap every other day.  She DEFINITELY makes up for it the next day by rocking out a 3 hour nap!!  But then she's also very cranky, the whole day.  Boo. 

Since she's up I suppose I'll go get her bundled up and go play outside in the beautiful sparkly snow!! 

Enjoy your day!  I'll post at some point!