Life's adventures with Matt, Amanda and the girls... Makenzie and Madison!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Our Unproductive Day

Today is one of those days where I wanted to get a TON of stuff done and I've only been able to cross off two things on that list. Matt will be home in an hour and a half and what usually happens is that last half hour I run around completing my list so it makes it look like I was busy :0) Thankfully he doesn't read this... or I'd be in trouble!

Here was my list:
Farmer's Market
Drop dug up plants off at my cousins
Pay Bills
Sweep and Mop Floor
Clean baths
Make muffins
Plant tulip bulbs

Here's what I did:
Farmer's market, plant drop off, and swept.  I should totally be mopping the floor right now because Makenzie is asleep and I wouldn't have to worry about her slipping and sliding all over.  AND the weather is so nice that I have windows open so it would dry up pretty quick.  Eh.

Makenzie's 2 yr molars are working their way thru and we are both fighting colds (and had a rough night) so my motivation is out the window.  Yet I'm bored.

While we were outside playing I set up an area for us to attempt to take some fam pics tonight, since the weather is so nice!  I LOVE fall pictures, the colors are great.  So I raked a pile of leaves (Oh!  I should add that to my completed list!) with the thought of us laying in the leaves with the green pine tree behind us.  Then... IF it turns out I'd like to blow it up and put it on the wall in our dining room.

1 year ago... 

Look at that bald baby!!!  Today here hair (not that there is much, but some!) was blowing all over the place!!

Wish us luck!  I hear there is rain coming.... go figure :0)

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