Life's adventures with Matt, Amanda and the girls... Makenzie and Madison!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Meals, Menu, List

Every 2 weeks my goal is to make a 2 week menu, then grocery list, then do all the grocery shopping ONCE so I don't have to be at the grocery store every week.  I started doing this awhile ago and was totally shocked at how much my grocery bill actually went down!!  It takes a LOT of time tho. 

A. I'm not good at coming up with meals.... I don't like eating the same meals all the time, so most of the meals I make are new recipes.  Which means you have to spend time finding all these recipes and so on.
B. Making a grocery list off all the ingredients for about 14 days worth of meals... takes awhile
C. Finding coupons and making sure they make it to the store with you!
D. Then I remake my list so it's arranged that the beginning of the list is at the front of the store and I work my way back. 

I probably waste a TON of time doing all this.... but it's become routine.  What's not in the routine is Matt not being around... there's a few nights he won't be home and I'm at a complete loss as to what to do for dinner!!!!  It would be nice to do a quick easy meal (because Makenzie turns into a Monster around dinner time, especially when Daddy's not home).  But I'm at a loss as to what that would be.....

Well, I have got Turkey Soup simmering on the stove, bread in the breadmaker!  My Grandma and Grandpa will be over for dinner, so I better scoot so I can go finish up "The List"!

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