Life's adventures with Matt, Amanda and the girls... Makenzie and Madison!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Day 3 of 28 Days

Somewhere I heard that it takes 28 days to make a new habit.  Not sure if that's a fact, but it's something that I turn to quite often and it works for me.  BUT if you skip a day you have to start your 28 day count all over :0)  So really, if you stick to it.... you'll get it... if it takes you 28 days or 365!  But normally by the 28 day mark I don't think about it anymore.  I just do it!

Today I am on day 3 of working out for at LEAST a half hour a day!  I'm really hoping to stick to it and really hoping that it helps with the aches and pains I have had lately.  A good chunk of September I had visited a chiropractor multiple times a week to help with neck and shoulder pain that I had going on for quite awhile.  After a few x-rays the Dr had said that the muscles in my neck and upper back have been strained so much it has distorted my spine. 

Bottom line: Tiny woman + Big baby = Havoc on my body

I don't feel like I lift Makenzie a lot, but I suppose when I do it's a lot of lifting and swinging.... putting her into the car seat in a truck, grocery cart, crib, changing table.  I don't feel like that's hard work when I do it, but I suppose that's all adding into the play on my body.  So I decided to throw in a workout plan and see if that helps me out!! (Just something simple that I can do at home and possibly in increments thru-out the day depending on kid#1!)  I did yoga a lot when I was prego so I'm going to throw that in the mix with some pilates, getting outside for walks, and cardio a few times a week totaling in 5-6 days a week!

Makenzie has enjoyed trying to do some of these workouts with me, and I must admit it's a lot of fun with her!!  Today I found a pilates video on that worked my abs, back, and neck.  O-U-C-H. 

I feel it!!!!! 

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