Life's adventures with Matt, Amanda and the girls... Makenzie and Madison!

Friday, October 19, 2012


 Whew this has been a long week.  Makenzie came down with a cold Sunday morning and mine started Monday night.
Not feeling well, sitting on Ruger...(Sorry Buddy!!)
 Then Tuesday and Wednesday nights were pretty sleepless nights between Makenzie and I.  So here we are on Friday!  Fridays are always fun and always put you in a good mood!  We both had a good nights sleep and a good day so far... as for Matt... well now he's got our cold.

After my last post, I had felt guilty about not taking advantage of Makenzie taking a nap and me sitting on the computer blogging when I had a big to do list.  So I got up from the computer and decided to go mop the floor when I could her Makenzie crying (not a normal way for her to wake up).  So I go in there and she wants up and wanted to cuddle.  She should have gone back to sleep... she has barely slept an hour (norm 2 hr nap) and I could tell she was STILL tired, and probably not feeling well.  20 mins later I decided to put Curious George on while I mopped the floor.  When I picked her up to go to the couch this is what fell off of us!!  Notice anything wrong with this picture??

The tip is missing!!  So then I panic that she's choking on it.  Mind you... she sat ON MY LAP for 20 mins... breathing.  Why I would think then that she's choking is beyond me!  I ended up finding the tip in her crib.  So now we are down to 1 paci and I tell ya if we lose track of that one all you know what will break lose!

I mopped.  Not once.  But twice.  Grrr.  I've gone thru two different cleaners now and each one leaves the floor with a tacky residue on it.  Even after the 2nd time of just water.

I have slowly been chugging away at my list!!

Farmer's Market
Drop dug up plants off at my cousins
Library We went to a new library today!!  Makenzie is in her glory with books and within 5 seconds had 7    books in a pile on the floor and was running in the opposite direction.  I'd say she had fun!
Pay Bills Yup
Sweep and Mop Floor
Vaccum.... yeah... later
Clean baths... yeah.... this is on my to do during nap time... meaning I need to hurry up and finish this!
Make muffins  Makenzie and I made muffins yesterday!!  I LOVE having her help me in the kitchen and she loves it too!  She'll pour stuff into the bowl and help stir.  It makes things quite messy, but worth it.  Blueberry and Banana muffins.  I put most of them in saran wrap and froze them.  That way when Matt wants one for breakfast he can pull it out of the freezer take it to work and nuke it for a few secs!
It was PJ day yesterday! (FYI...the back splash is not finished!)

Plant tulip bulbs All of my fall landscaping projects are D-O-N-E!

I also got our family pictures done!  I can't believe how good they turned out... especially for doing them myself!  Here's a peak!

One of the pictures I sent into Meijer's and blew up to 12in x 18in.  I wasn't sure how that would turn out because my camera isn't a professional grade.  But it turned out PERFECT!!  I got a nice big frame for it and am impatiently waiting for my hubby to get home and hang it up!!  I had a vision of what I wanted and it is exactly that!  Love it when things just work out.

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