Life's adventures with Matt, Amanda and the girls... Makenzie and Madison!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Dancing, Arm-Swinging, Overall Wearing Makenzie!

It totally amazes me how playful Makenzie has become.  She use to be so dependent on me to entertain her... but now I can see her imagination coming out!  Makenzie LOVES to read and her room now constantly looks like a book bomb has gone off.  Ruger now gets feed about 10 times a day (now that she can open the closet door!) and tortured with Makenzie running around with his treats above her head.  Haha, most dogs would be able to snatch them from her... but not our little weenie dog!  I'm pretty impressed with how she can run around with her arms above her head... ever tried it!?!?  Haha! 

Makenzie loves to be sung to and dance!  Just this week she started saying "sing" and "daaace".  She'll point to our radio and yell "ONN!!!"  On it goes and off she goes just dancing the time away!  (This happens every night after dinner by the way!) 
Watching her reflection in the door swinging those arms!

The other night she was trying to get water our of the dispenser on our fridge for Ruger, well she missed and water ended up going all down her arm soaking her shirt.  It was C O L D!  I quick took the shirt off and didn't get to put another one on and she was off.  So here's are hillbilly Makenzie... overalls and no shirt... dancing!! 

Yesterday she snuck Noah (from Noah's Ark), and 2 of her little toy zookeepers into her crib.  When she woke up from her nap I could hear her saying... "Ready!?!?  Go!"  I go in and she was playing with the three people.  Then she showed me how they went "nigh nigh" with her. 

Before she went to bed she tried sneaking them in again, and somehow she managed to get Noah in, because this morning when I got her up she had Noah wrapped in her fingers.

Teddy Bear and Makenzie being pulled in their "Sled"!  Matt got his workout last night!

And I'm not sure where she got this from, but she says "buddy" all the time now! "Yoooo Buddy", "Hi Buddy", "C'mer Buddy"  Haha, cracks me up!! 

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