Life's adventures with Matt, Amanda and the girls... Makenzie and Madison!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Digging Donuts and Drinking OJ!

Any morning that starts off with donuts is bound to be a good day!!  Matthew surprised Makenzie and I with just that!  Typically Makenzie eats the top half (with the frosting and sprinkles) and picks at the rest. Today, she would take a bite off the top, go to bottom and back up to the top again.... have to say I have never seen someone eat a donut like that.  I was afraid she was going to lose the donut eating it that way and gosh, what would happen if that happened!?!?  I would be forced to share.  My donut.  That would certainly put a damper on my morning. 

Since Makenzie and I were on a donut chocolate high I was feeling kind of bad for Madison.  So I decided I would treat her to some orange juice!  I had the camera ready because I know she doesn't do change well and well you be the judge.... think she liked it!?!? :-D

Hahaha!!!!  Our girls and their expressions!!  Goodness!!!

1 comment:

  1. I am laughing out loud!!! Fantastic post and hilarious pics!
