Life's adventures with Matt, Amanda and the girls... Makenzie and Madison!

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Madison & Mama

Playin' & Cleanin' that was our day!

Today was spent getting my house back in order and LOTS of one on one time with Miss Madison.  My sister came in the morning and took Makenzie to play with cousin Joshua for the day.  Oh I am SOOO thankful!  My house has been in disarray and hasn't been cleaned like I like it to be in about a month!!!  It totally stresses me out, big time.  So during Madison's two naps today I cranked out some major cleaning and when she was up we played.

This girl LOVED the one on one time.  No toys being ripped away from her or attention being taken from her.  Today was the most I have seen her smile or heard her laugh and babble to me!  She was just full of it.

While I was emptying the dishwasher I sat her on the floor next to me.  I gave her a couple Easter eggs and cups that were on the counter waiting to be put away.  Gosh, did she LOVE that.  Funny how it seems the biggest hits for kids aren't the toys you buy from the store!  Madison sat sorting these eggs for about a half hour, multiple times today!  The eggs with a missing half would go in the cup first, followed by the dark colored eggs and then the lighter colored eggs.  I was amazed watching her fill the cups up and dump them back out once they were full.  If the order wasn't right she would let out a scream and fish out the wrong egg or dump the cup over!  While she was doing this, she would fling the cup from her left hand to right hand as she would look around for the next egg to pick.  Each time she picked up an egg it was with her right hand while her left hand held the cup.  Silly little girl :-) 

Today was also the first day SHE played Peek-A-Boo with me!  One of the bowls I gave her to play with I "hid" behind and popped out.  She just giggled and took the bowl away from me and covered her face.  "Where's Madison!?!?!?"  And pop!  Out she pops just a laughing!!  Stinkin' cute!!!

During her afternoon nap I mopped the house, twice!!  Almost our whole house is wood flooring, which means when I am mopping it's a LOT.  And having to do it over again... grrrrr.  (I like carpet, carpet every where but kitchen and dining... vacuuming is so much easier... and cozier! There's my two cents!)  We have had some much dust from all the work Matt has been doing the first time I pretty much just smeared the dust around where the second time picked most of it up. 

It's amazing how much better I feel when my house is clean!!  And who couldn't be in a good mood after spending time with this little girl!!

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