Life's adventures with Matt, Amanda and the girls... Makenzie and Madison!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Big Girl Bed!!

(Here's another post that should have been done during the "I couldn't blog" days!)

Makenzie is now in a big girl bed!!  She has been in it for about a month now.  We had talked it up and had gotten the mattress before we had her bedding and OHHHHH  was she EXCITED to sleep in her new bed!  After waiting for Mom for a few days to get her bedding we took down the crib (tear) and set up her big girl bed.  What a bittersweet moment.  I kept thinking how are we here already?  How are we putting my "baby" into a big girl bed?  Not right.  I think such sad thoughts... I will never see her in a crib again.  I will never pick her back up out of her crib or peak at her thru the spindles.  (Dumb I know... but that's what I do.)

The first night... great!  She was so happy to be in it that I don't think she wanted to leave it and eventually fell asleep.  As usual, Matt and I went in to check on her before we went to bed and I just bawled.  Holy cow.  It hit me like a TON of bricks, seeing her long body stretched out in a bed she "should" look huge in, but doesn't.  I don't have a baby anymore... at all... I have a toddler... in a BIG GIRL BED!  She was cuddled with her blanket laying on her new pillow.  Jeez... I'm about to bawl right now! 

Once I got over my emotions I tried to go to sleep but all I kept hearing is... Bang!  Bang!  BANG!  Her body hitting the wall to our room.  Sleepless....

The next night, she got a bit more curious.  We put her to bed and I came out of the bath and this is what I saw....

cracked me up!  She wasn't brave enough to open the door up and take a peak out (that came a week later) but she was out of her bed wandering her room.

It's so weird to have her get herself up in the morning!  She comes to find Matt or I and excitedly yells "I'M DONE!!"  If she doesn't want to go to bed she'll play in her room with whatever toys are in there or wander around until she finds Matt & I (which isn't good because we are usually chowing on dessert of some sort that we didn't share with her!).

Moments like those make me SO happy that we aren't done with our crib.  Baby #2 will be here soon and very shortly we will be setting the crib back up and have another child to play Peak-a-Boo with!

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