Life's adventures with Matt, Amanda and the girls... Makenzie and Madison!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

This is for you Matt!

Last week we bought a laptop.  Something that I have been on almost every evening since then and my husband has not seen a new blog post.  So... this one's for you babe!

Here's a quick update on what's going on at our house!

-  We are under construction!!  Trim throughout the WHOLE house is being taken down and replaced as well as all interior doors.  Typical us fashion... we are doing it ourselves.  Matt mostly... I get all the grunt work :-D  Just joking.  (Kind of)  Spent two hours sanding window frames and an hour priming.  Not the fun-est (new word folks!) way to spend your afternoon childless. 

We started with a closet we turned into a mudroom... here is an almost finished picture:

- Madison is 8 1/2 months!  Where in the heck has the time gone!?!?  Really!?!?!  Friends of ours had a baby yesterday and she looks like a GIANT compared to little Hensley!  Madison has had a major change over the past few weeks.  I can walk out of a room without her crying and she has been very very playful!!  Loving it.  We are getting lots of laughs AND she is pert near sleeping thru the night!

- Our mountain of snow on the side of our house is ALMOST gone.  We shoveled and raked the rest of our snow banks away.  I have tulips starting to pop up!  Spring is here!!! 

- Makenzie and I planted seeds to start our garden last week in a mini greenhouse hubby got me for Christmas.  Everything is popped up and growing already!

-I swear I have been doing endless laundry.  What's up with that?? 

- I had 5 post typed up and ready to go onto the blog that I had saved on my thumb drive!  Something happened and my thumb drive broke and I lost everything on there...  that made me really really sad.  And MAD!!  And to be honest I really don't want to retype them.  :-/

Time for bed!  Matthew, hope you enjoyed this, even though you already know all this!

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