Life's adventures with Matt, Amanda and the girls... Makenzie and Madison!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Little Discoveries

This spring has started with a bit of nervousness over these "new" bugs that are awakening after their winter's nap.  Last summer Makenzie wasn't bothered by many bugs, she didn't necessarily want to hold them, but she was interested in watching them.  This year something flies by her or she sees a pile of ants and she gets all wound up.  

On our way up from the mailbox a few days ago, we saw a caterpillar crossing the driveway.  I picked it up and showed her how it tickled my hand as it walked across.  We found it's eyes, found it's feet, watched it curl into a ball and then unwind.  After lots of watching, she finally got brave and decided to let the caterpillar walk onto her hand.  

He got plopped into a bug box and stayed the night.

Then next day she pulled her "yittle dude" out and they danced!!
.......They went for a bike ride!!
...................They went for a cruise in the cozy coupe!!
.......................................They stretched out to see how long they were!!

They were best buds!

Then we found a worm.  This mama (who wants nothing to do with worms) saw a worm pop out of the ground next to me where I quickly (and believe me NOT THINKING) grabbed it to add to the bug box!  

Once they were both in Makenzie says "I thing I should put them around my neck to carry dem.  Dat would be a good idea!!"

She had to stop every once in awhile to take a peek to make sure all was well :-)  A good Mama, right!?

I had so much fun watching her with these little discoveries.  She ask so many questions and just soaks it ALL up.  

Thankfully, no bugs were seriously injured ;-)  They both crawled away... probably happily!!!

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