Life's adventures with Matt, Amanda and the girls... Makenzie and Madison!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Jumping Thru July!

We have had such a good month!!  And the month isn't over!  With baby #2 coming this month will sure get more exciting.  I haven't shared a whole lot as to what we have been up to, so I will do that today!!  Looking back at these pictures we really haven't "done" a whole lot or "gone" anywhere... that shows you how much fun that you can have at your own house!!

A rare occurrence at our house!  Makenzie does NOT like the lawn mower or any tractor up close.  But this night she decided that she wanted to help Daddy mow the lawn and went and got her own mower and even found ear muffs so the sound didn't bother her!

Love this silly girl!  And LOVE this viney flower behind her!!

I'm still amazed that my daughter is blonde with blue eyes!

Almost an every day thing here...Keeping this girl clothed on a hot summer day is nearly impossible!!  She's quick... and I'm not :-) 

Checking out our bluebird box!

4 Eggs!!

Remember Sand Art!?!?  Ha!  I made my own!  I was making a LARGE batch of taco seasoning and thought this looked cool!

A typical Wednesday for us is heading off to the local Farmers Market and then to the library for new books.  As soon as we get home Makenzie takes the books to a comfy spot and quietly looks thru them while I make us lunch.
Our Farmer's Market goodies!!
Perfect summer day just hanging out in the yard!
Cupcakes I made for 4th of July!  Not sure that I dig the recipe...
it tasted great but doesn't rise.
Baby Birds have hatched!!

Matt has spent SOOOO much time working on getting an irrigation well
installed.... a process that started super but stopped at that!

We had 18 turkeys walk thru our yard the other day!!  They happened to
come back today too!  I sure didn't think we'd see all this wild life in the city!!

Enjoying our fruit popsicles after running thru the sprinklers.

Turkey's wandering around some more!

Nothing beats hanging your clothes on the line to dry!
(Good shot Makenzie!)

Our Garden has been doing well (especially since we have had a deer in there every night)!  One morning I picked 13 1/2 lbs of beans... AND froze them all... we got just over 20 meals out of it!  Can't beat that!

Typical Sat morning...

I needed to make some chocolate chip cookies the other day and was floored when I saw how many bags of chips I had and that I was nearly out of flour and sugar!!  Can you see the importance of chocolate in my life!?!? 

Makenzie and Nina heading to the Zee Bus (a mobile library)!
It stops right in front of our house each week... Makenzie just LOVES it.
Matt got a promotion at work a few weeks ago and just started that job last week (Go Honey!!) and WOW is he busy!  Go figure work was SO slow for him and now when we are about to have a baby he is super busy! 

We are all ready for baby...  everything is washed and put away... just waiting for the day! 

Alrighty, well that's the skinny on us!

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