Life's adventures with Matt, Amanda and the girls... Makenzie and Madison!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The Birth Story: Part II

It felt so weird heading into the hospital to have a baby and FEELING fine.  LOL, no contractions, no nerves.  I LOVED IT!  And I was SOOOOO excited.

We headed up to the third floor and were given our room.  They were running a little behind with the induction that was scheduled before us so, we waited.  I was in no mood to wait.  Ek!  I started stressing out a little.  (Not to mention... I was HUNGRY!) 

7:30  The nurse came in and started getting me hooked up to be monitored, put the IV in, blah blah blah.  After two tries in two spots she got the IV in, in my hand... which grosses me out!  The nurse checked me to see how far I had progressed since my Dr's Apt on Monday and she said that I was at 2, maybe 2 1/2 cm.  (Remember I was at 3 on Monday).  Weird right?  Made me a little nervous thinking the baby was not going to cooperate with us.  But that pitocin will pump him or her right out! 

8:20  All the prep work was done and the pitocin was started!  Woot woot!  Here we go!  We had the heart monitor cranked up so we could listen to that little heartbeat tick away.  Love, love, love that sound and wouldn't be hearing it once the baby made an arrival!

10:00  My doctor comes in to see how things are going.  I was having contractions 3-5 mins apart, nothing bad, just noticeable.  He was going to break my water to get things moving even quicker.  But first!  He had to check me.  He looks up and says "Uh... where's the baby!?" 

*Insert squealing slamming on the brakes sound here!*  I was like 'What do you mean where's the baby?  Do you not see the massive mound of my stomach?  I'm barely having contractions, pretty sure I didn't have the baby yet!'  Then he gets more specific and says that the baby was not engaged and is "floating".  Bottom line: Not good.

He hollers at the nurse to go get an ultrasound machine and we wait.  She brings in the machine and then wait for it to turn on.  We waited a long time.  (Seriously, that machine took about 3 mins to turn on... that's a long time in this situation!)  During the wait he told us that if the baby is breech our options are to have a c-section or go home and wait for the baby to flip.  At 39 weeks the chances of your baby flipping on it's own is pretty rare, but could happen.  He also offered to try to flip the baby by maneuvering my stomach to encourage the baby to flip, but there is only a 30% chance of that actually working. 

My mind was spinning.  The ultrasound machine clicks on and he has the wand low on my stomach and we see nothing.  He moves the wand up and there is the baby's head in my right rib.  "Shut off the pictocin!!!!" He shouted to the nurse.  I just closed my eyes.  The anticipation of that day, the long night of getting Makenzie ready and aware of what was going on, the uncertainty of what was going to happen next and accepting the fact that we were going to be sent home with a breech baby nestled in my tummy with mild contractions. 

The doctor left and Matt and I just looked at each other.  We quickly called the family and got the prayer request fired up.  Then I ordered Matt to Google it!!  What do we do!?!?  I said we are going to get this baby out.  I laid on my side and was trying to maneuver the baby by myself.  Without much success.  I got up to go walk around.  Matt felt my belly and we couldn't feel the baby's head in my rib anymore.  Did the baby flip??  Or was the baby totally up and down with the head between my ribs?  We didn't know... so off we went on a walk.  Mentally I had come to terms that we were going to go home.  Things weren't going along with MY plan, BUT, the baby was safe and healthy and IF need be I have an amazing Doctor that would do the c-section at 40 weeks.  Things would be okay.

12:00-1:00  The Doctor was suppose to come in and try to flip the baby.... no Doctor yet.  Contractions were still steady.  They didn't get any worse and stayed about 3 mins apart. Now the nerves were kicking in because if the contractions didn't stop and turned into labor we would have to have a c section or try delivering a breech baby.

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