(Madison was born on a Wednesday, but this really starts on Monday.)
Monday I had my 38 week doctor's appointment. I was a little anxious about this appointment because this was the appointment that we were going to decide if I should be induced or wait until labor actually starts. Most women want to wait until their body says it's go time, but I have an extremely indecisive body that had me going thru LOTS of false labor with Makenzie and by time the actual labor had started my body was whooped. I had a long labor, lost almost two nights of sleep and took a long time to recover. I did NOT want to do that again if I didn't have to, especially with one already at home that would be needing my attention.
The appointment went well. I was dilated to 3 cm and thinning so the Dr gave me the thumbs up to be induced! We scheduled it for 6:30 Wednesday morning. He ran me thru the procedure: start pitocen, break water, labor, baby by dinner time. Rock and Roll! That sounded fantastic! Baby by dinner that's not even 12 hours in labor!! I was happy!
The rest of Monday and Tuesday I spent doing some final touches and spending LOTS of time with Makenzie. I was really really sad about having those be our last days of just us home while Matt was at work. I tried to make the best of it but in turn I was an emotional mess and went thru the day with lots of tears.
Getting gifts ready for Cousin Natalie & Zachary's Birthdays! |
Nothing better than homemade wrapping paper decorated by my favorite 2 year old!! |
Last picture of Mama and Makenzie! Her seat is about to disappear! |
38 Weeks Day 7! |
Makenzie and I did a lot of talking on Monday and Tuesday on what the rest of the week would bring. I wanted her to know where I would be and where she would be and what would be going on. In hopes that there wouldn't be any nerves or uneasiness while Mom and Dad were away. I wasn't sure she really understood what was going on and where we would be, but I think she did! Putting her to bed that Tuesday night was a JOB. 'Mama!?!? Do you hear me??? Are you here?' 'Mama?? Are you going to the baby dokter yet?' 'Mama!! Where's Daddy? Is Daddy here?' This went on for a long time before that little mind stopped spinning and she was able to doze off.
I was worried about how I would sleep, but having everything all planned and ready to go... I happily fell into a nice sleep. Just after 5 the next morning our alarm went off to start the birth day! Oh I was SOOOO excited. Girl or boy, girl or boy!?!? I just couldn't wait to find out and couldn't wait to see this babe! Just after 6 we headed off to the hospital. The morning was just perfect. Beautiful sun rise, the air was a bit cool and smelled like a nice summer day... I was definitely at peace!
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