Life's adventures with Matt, Amanda and the girls... Makenzie and Madison!

Friday, October 4, 2013

Sneaking Out!

I just had to share this!!  This happened last week, but my keyboard wasn't working so, we had to wait!

We are STILL working on getting a routine that works for us.... Seeing as how Madison doesn't have one yet, it makes things more difficult. 

One thing that I HAVE made sure that we do each day is quiet time for Makenzie.  After lunch we do about half hour to forty five minutes of Makenzie being in her room reading, quietly playing or snoozing.  While she is in there keeping herself entertained I am busy doing chores around the house or tending to Madison.  I have been trying to coordinate Madison sleeping to Makenzie's quiet time so I can haul around with both not needing my attention.

Well, while I was busy doing housework almost each time I checked on Madison there was something "new" in her room or in her crib with her....
apparently it was Makenzie's baby's nap time too :-)

At one time the baby was in her bouncy seat, her swing and then finally the crib with Madison.

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