Life's adventures with Matt, Amanda and the girls... Makenzie and Madison!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

I love Valentine's Day!  LOL, Matt and I never really do a whole lot... but I just Love Love :0)   As a kid I LOVED making my Valentine Mail Box and writing out all my Valentine's and getting them!  I'm 100% disappointed that there seems to be an age limit on that.  If it were my way we would each still make our Valentine Mail Boxes and leave them at our door step and you spend the day delivering your Valentine's!  (I mean... who gets mail they really get excited about???  Who wouldn't get excited about this??)

Matt's Valentine's would be of a truck or a big buck.  And the To and From would be in my handwriting because he'd never get around to filling them out.  Mine would be all girly!  And personalized!  Fun huh?

Today I had planned on having Claire and Joshua over for a good chunk of the day while their mama spent the afternoon SOLO!  Then Lisa was going to head out with her Valentine for dinner....  BUT.... she got the stomach flu last night.  So instead I made an activity bag for the kids and headed over with that and a simple lunch and dinner so Lisa could re-coop. 

Makenzie and I had a nice Valentiney lunch of RED strawberries, RED cherry yogurt, and RED spaghetti pie!  Then we made our Valentine's!  Turned out pretty snazzy I must say.  We also made cookies...I just need to frost the cookies and we are all ready.

Pictures to come!!

(BTW: I DID make sugar cookies yesterday... just like I said.  BUT... didn't get a chance to frost them which means they didn't have sprinkles!  Today's batch will be frosted!)

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