Life's adventures with Matt, Amanda and the girls... Makenzie and Madison!

Monday, February 11, 2013

15 Weeks!

15 weeks!  Yay!  It seems like it has taken FOREVER to get here!!  Had my 15 week checkup last Wednesday.  Makenzie woke up ready to go to the "bebe" doctor.  Off we went.  She loves listening to your heartbeat and listens to her stuffed animals heartbeats too.  Let me rephrase that... I don't think she listens... she loves PRETENDING she's listening to the heartbeat while she goes "bum bum... bum bum" in a quiet whisper.  I thought she would get a kick out of listening to the baby's heartbeat.... BUT she was to interested in all the other gadgets the doctor had!

Appt went fine.  I'm measuring right on track.  It took a little bit to find the baby's heartbeat... scared me!  But I think the doctor was just in the wrong spot... this baby was low low low, like right on top of my pelvic bone.
My special treat that I get while Makenzie sleeps!  Thank you Matt!

Week 15:
Weight: Up 10 lbs
Cravings: Sweets!!!  FINALLY... this is my favorite part!!  It makes me happy :-)
Sleeping: Uncomfy, ever other night is a good one!

Our next appt is in a few weeks for the ultrasound.  Not 100% sure if we are going to find out.  I don't think that I want to... I told Matt it can be up to him!

8 Weeks
11 Weeks

14 Weeks

I also had a chiropractor's appt last week... I got really bad headaches and he fixed it!  I just love my chiropractor!!  Before I left he was telling me all the different adjustments and treatments that he can do while I'm pregnant.  Thank goodness because with the 50 lbs (yes 50) I gained with Makenize by the end I hurt SOOO bad and if he can give me some relief... I'm game!!

Oh!  9:30 last night Matt and I felt the baby move with our hands!!  I've been feeling the baby move for a few weeks now, but last night was the first time we could feel the baby with our hands. Precious!

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