Life's adventures with Matt, Amanda and the girls... Makenzie and Madison!

Friday, February 20, 2015

Yesterday... Our Proud Moment!

Makenzie bit Madison!!  BIT!  Like with your teeth.  Chomp Chomp.

I had no clue it happened.  I didn't see it.

I was cleaning while Makenzie and Madison "were" nicely playing when I hear Madison really crying!!  I give her a second to see if she'll stop and then hear Makenzie yelling at me to come because Madison got hurt.  Poop.  Okay.  So into Makenzie's room I go and see Madison laying near Makenzie's block tower.  (A red flag went off because that girl is a little protective over her building towers.)

Madison looked fine. I couldn't see any damage done.  I asked Makenzie what happened and she didn't know.  Well you were in the room with her... did you see anything? "nope" did she fall off the bed? "yeah, that's what she did, and hit her chin on my dresser."  Oh.  Okay.  (I didn't hear a fall.)  I went on to tell her that I didn't see what happened, so I needed her to be the BIG sister and help me figure out how she got hurt.

Awhile later I noticed red marks on Madison's chin resembling teeth marks.  Hmm...  I bring Madison to Makenzie and say look!!  Look at these marks, it must really hurt her.  Do you know what happened?  "she fell off the bed Mom"  Really?  they look a lot like teeth marks.  Did you bite her? "no"  Are you sure she fell off the bed?  "yup"  Was Boogity (our cat) around?  Did he bite her?  "yes!  He did!" Was she doing something bad to him? "maybe"

Hmm...  I went on to thank her for being a good big sister and helping me figure out what happened.  And that it was really important for her to tell the truth and not make pretend things up and lie. (Like how she fell off the bed but "REALLY" got bit by the cat.)  Then into how it's so nice that God is always with us and watching us!  Whenever we have a problem we can talk to Him about it.

Onto the evening Madison is in the tub, Matt's questioning the marks on Madison's chin.  He goes in to Makenzie's room to "chat" then comes back into the bathroom.  A good few minutes have passed when Makenzie knocks on the door to come in.  I open the door and she looks up at me and says, "Mommy, I bit Madison earlier and I'm REALLY sorry I did that.  I won't do it again."

Holy crap.  A) Now it's official that my 4 year old daughter bit Madison and  B)The amount of courage it took to stop doing her puzzle to come find Matt and I to tell us face to face she lied and is so sorry!!!!  I was so P-R-O-U-D!  So proud.  We told her we knew how hard it was for her to come tell us and how happy that made us.  As suspected, she got angry because Madison knocked over the tower and then bit her.  We gave her some other options to do when she gets angry next time and then she had to tell Madison how sorry she was and give up some of her candy to surprise Madison with.

So cool to see your 4 year old recognizing what is wrong and what SHE did wrong, then by herself she figured out how to fix it.


  1. Wow! That's powerful! I'm proud too!

    1. Crazy, huh!? Makes me feel like we're doing something right!!
