December 16 we celebrated Miss Makenzie's 4th birthday!! I can't believe that she is 4 years old already. How time just flies. I'm just in awe of what she has brought to Matt and I in just her 4 years.... to say we love her to pieces is an understatement! She is a bundle of non stop energy and full of laughs and smiles. This girl LOVES to be in the kitchen helping Mama cook and "make" (instead of baking we "make"). Makenzie is really pretty good in the kitchen, she is a HUGE help when I'm canning or freezing. Guess that's to be expected when she has spent the last three years in the kitchen with me while "making" and making dinner.
She's turned into a little bit of know it all and will do her own thing in the kitchen without asking first. (Making herself lunch at random times, getting her own snack, dumping her own amount of ingredients in mixing bowl saying she read her own recipe,telling me how to make something.) And as with the Know-it-all status she ask a LOT of questions. The questions are endless! My grandma says I was just like that when I was little and it's pay back :-) Ha. Sometimes I will watch the clock and count how many questions I get in 5 mins and the number IS a bit disturbing!! (It's no wonder by 8pm I'm done for the night, that's a lot of questions to find answers to!) She is a very curious, smart little girl and retains the info! (So no more coming up with silly answers!)
Makenzie has been a Daddy's girl and when he's home she is his shadow... that has changed a bit this year. Typically Daddy puts her to bed each night and now that's something Makenzie wants Mama to do some of the time too. On the weekends, Daddy will typically run to the gas station for a fountain pop, Makenzie quickly caught on and now jumps at the chance to go for a truck ride with Daddy in hopes of coming back with "pop" and candy.
Four year old Favorites:
*Playing with cars!! She got a car rug for Christmas that is the cat's meow!
*Puzzles have been a major hit.
*Doing nails with Mama. (Painting I should say, she squirms and cries thru cutting.)
*Playing outside w/ someone.
*Riding bike or scooter.
*Dancing!!!! She is SUCH a good dancer!!! Really. She will watch someone dance and can do the same move.
*Watching tv... Doc McStuffins! (Hate how much she wants to watch tv.)
*Her baby blanket many times during day and to go to bed.
*Pizza, Mexican food, donuts, cake, icecream, sweets!!!!! Fruit, snack food.
*Playing on Mama or Daddy's phones.
*Play Store
*Going to cottage and playing in water
*Going camping
*Playing with friends!
*Bath time
*Sunday School & Children and Worship
*Morning snuggles with Daddy
Four year old Dislikes:
*Meat... there are times she will tell us she likes it and she will CHOW it all! Then she won't eat it again for awhile. Ground or shredded meat she will eat a little of.
*HATES playing by herself, both girls are where ever Mama is during the day. Which can be extremely challenging.
*Going to bed.
*When Mama is doing housework and not playing with her!
*Having to wipe herself after going potty! She totally bribes me to try and get me to wipe!!! Or just spends the time pulling all the toilet paper off the roll.
*Wearing pants and a long sleeve shirt. She prays nightly for God to give us summer so she can wear skirts and a short sleeve shirt. (Which is silly because she wears that all winter ANYWAYS.)
*Going to the bathroom before bed... ugh. It's not that she's too tired to do it, she just doesn't want to and really puts that foot down.
*Cleaning. Picking up toys throughout the day or before bed is the "WORST THING EVER"!
Miss Makenzie wears almost all size 6 clothes and some size 7. She is in the 99% for height and 80% for weight.
This is my last year home with her :-( Next year she will be starting preschool and kindergarten after that! She is just SO excited to go to school.... but its still a long ways off.
We had such a FUN day celebrating Miss Makenzie. Here are a few pictures (probably more than a few, who am I kidding? I can't do a few!) of how we celebrated her day....
Good morning Birthday Breakfast with Daddy's Birthday Banner behind her he surprised her with! |
Trip to the mall for a surprise carousel ride! Girls had fun! My mom and I were just happy to make it thru the ride! Wow. |
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At Build A Bear wishing lots of love to her soon to be new puppy's heart! So sweet. |
The heart & fluff is in, time to tie it up. |
Madison wants a heart too, she'll just help herself! She clung to that thing the rest of the day! |
The morning isn't even over and someone is asleep already!! Being 4 is HARD WORK! |
Next up... First haircut!! |
Birthday lunch: Westauwant (restaurant) pizza at our house. So picked up some Jet's and headed home. |
Story time with Nina and her new book. |
Time for presents!!! |
The look after I said "wait one more, not sure if that one turned out!" |
Doc McStuffins book! & Eric Carl Birthday Book |
Birthday Girl & Co. Birthday taco dinner was over... onto the good stuff! Cake and Icecream! |
Not sure what's so exciting... I don't see a flame yet! Ha!! |
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Makenzie playing Dr with her real stethoscope and real Dr bag! We have all had our fair share of band aids and "shots". She has quite the bedside manner :-) Some Dr's should take lessons from her! |
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