Life's adventures with Matt, Amanda and the girls... Makenzie and Madison!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Makenzie's First Ride

Beginning of May Makenzie got her first big girl bike!  Oh my goodness was she so stinking excited about it.  She had a tricycle prior but NEVER used the pedals.  She was much faster Fred Flintstone pedaling and let me tell you she would fly!
We went thru MANY shoes during the tricycle time as she stopped like this....
OR by dragging her toes :-)  

So actually using pedals on a bike would definitely be a new experience.

As soon as I got the bike home Matt hauled the bike out and tinkered with it getting it sized up to Miss Makenzie.  Let me tell you, what a weird experience that few minutes was as I sat back with a baby in my arms watching my husband dink with a "real" bike for OUR daughter!  How do we have a child OLD enough for a real bike!?!?!?  Matt looked up and smiled reiterating my own thoughts.  Ha.  Miss Makenzie when did you get so big!?!?

On Makenzie hopped with Daddy's help and away she went.  When we had to come in for lunch she grabbed my phone and we called person after person so she could tell everyone about her new BIG GIRL bike!  So sweet.  The excitement that this girl has is so contagious.  Love it!

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