Life's adventures with Matt, Amanda and the girls... Makenzie and Madison!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Courage on a Snowy Sunday

The wind is whipping, the snow is really coming down, Matt's out plowing.  Madison is in jammies taking a nap as Makenzie and I are out of church clothes and into jams relaxing on the couch.

My head is pounding, but I'm enjoying the silence of the house and watching the weather.  It's a perfect day to stay inside toasty warm.  Sounds like that's exactly what a lot of people are doing.  I taught Sunday School this morning (I teach 3rd grade, every other two weeks) and my typical 8-10 kids ended up being only 4!!  Which TOTALLY threw a wrench into things.  When I have that many kids it makes things take so much longer.  We breezed right thru the lesson.  With LOTS of time left.  This was certainly a first, typically I'm looking at the clock wondering how I'm going to squeeze the whole lesson in!

Today I taught on Courage.  What it means to be courageous and how we can be courageous more.  I really wanted to stress that each of them will be put in situations where they need to stand up and be courageous... especially with bullying.  So we headed into the gym to practice.  One girl got blindfolded while her partner held her hand weaving her thru the chairs and tables set up.  It took "courage" for each girl to trust her partner to walk her thru the busy room blindfolded.  After that, we made sure the one blindfolded was nice and disoriented while the rest of us scattered around giving her directions.  She had to follow our voices and listen to our commands.  The catch was, I was God, the other girls were friends.  The girls were NOT going to get her out of the room, but she didn't know that.  She listened to me at first, then some friends, then realized she needed "God" to get her through and give her the RIGHT instruction.  We were all laughing by time we were done.  Especially since the girls thought it was my turn to be led around the church blind :-)  You have to practice what you preach right!!  Needless to say, they thought it was pretty funny.

Leave ya with our Sunday School group singing Jesus Loves Me during worship time... Makenzie is bottom left.  (Claire-top middle, Joshua bottom middle!)

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