Life's adventures with Matt, Amanda and the girls... Makenzie and Madison!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

What a Winter

This December sent me for a loop!  This winter really!!  It has snowed SOOOOO much.  In fact up until a few days ago my phone would go off almost every day for a winter weather advisory or winter storm watch (or warning).  Which means Matt, who plows on the side, has been gone plowing a LOT.  He plowed more in December then what he plowed ALL of last year!  The same has followed suit for January.  Needless to say this winter, as much as I love the snow, has been very overwhelming.  Typically he comes home and entertains the kids a bit while I finish up with dinner.  When dinner is done I could get the kitchen cleaned up while he’s got one or both of the girls.  That so hasn’t happened.  Ha!!  The new norm over here is dirty dishes sit in the sink until nap time the next day.  That way the girls get some playtime and bedtime is less hectic.  (Let me tell you that STRESSES ME OUT.  Knowing I have dirty dishes in the sink and all the counters may not have been wiped down.) 

Poor Matt… he’s been getting up at 4 am, plowing, working a normal day at work 8-10 hrs (tag an hour-hour and a half for commute), quick dinner at home, plowing, bed.  No unwind time and very very little time with the girls.

 I am such a planner and not knowing when to “plan” on Matt being home and plan my day accordingly is HARD.  How does a single mother do it!?!?  Being Mom & Dad all day long, all week long, all the time!  Hats off to them…. They are definitely an unsung hero.  It’s exhausting, totally exhausting and I have only played the roll for not even two months. 

This girl has the most beautiful profile!!

Licking her giant lollipop from Christmas!

Zoom zoom!!
The first part of the winter was great!  We were outside almost every day playing in the snow.  Our neighbors have a golf cart that they would hook sleds up to and pull around.  I would be in the kitchen working and see them outside and think if I was younger I would be running for the door to go play!  Glad that we have kids!!  Of course we used Makenzie as an excuse to go for a ride too!  (She did WANT to… but she was very very serious on her ride!)  Even Miss Madison got to come.

In January the temps dropped BIG time.  This past month and a half we really haven’t been outside much.  We have had major wind with wind chills down to -30 degrees and the high temps for the day only reaching the teens.  That’s just not something I am comfortable taking Makenzie out in. Schools have been closed a lot!  At least once a week. Our school district has had 7 or 8 snow days.

On a day we got outside we made an igloo!!

She is 3 foot 4 (for perspective!)

I wouldn’t mind winter sticking around a little longer… and I’m sure it WILL since we have feet of snow on the ground and 4 foot tall snow banks and drifts over 5 feet.  I just want to get OUT in it and PLAY!!!  Maybe some sunshine!  Little warmer temp?  (ARE YOU HEARING THIS, MOTHER NATURE!?!?) We’re pretty much quarantined to the driveway because the snow is so deep elsewhere to walk thru.  Haha!  Our sledding hill Matt made from plowing has turned into a GIANT mountain that is as wide as our house!

As long as I have been around I have never seen a winter like this!!  Curious how long it will be for us to see another winter like this again.

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