Life's adventures with Matt, Amanda and the girls... Makenzie and Madison!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Let's Start With This!

Last spring we had Makenzie start a gymnastics class.  One day a week for 45 mins.  This was her FIRST class of anything!  I was very excited for her and excited to sit and watch her.  Too bad they had tiny little windows to peak thru :-(  Her teacher said not to look thru the window for very long and don't let your child see you.  I was in the window A LOT :-D  But... I didn't get caught (by my kid!)

It was so good to see her "on her own" playing and having fun with someone other than me!  They had so many different activities that they did and she did MOST of them (when she wasn't watching herself busting moves in the mirror or walking around the balance beam instead of walking OVER it).

Makenzie did SO well in the class.  In one of the later weeks her teacher came out and told me that I have my hands full.  I laughed and said yes, a mom of 2 under three.  We ALL have our hands full.  'No, I mean Makenzie is busy... she does not stop.  She's my busiest student!'  Huh... I left pondering that for awhile.  Wasn't sure how to take that... good thing or bad thing?  It's funny how someone else makes a comment and you realize how true that statement is.  The next couple of weeks I watched her more and my goodness.  She doesn't stop.  She doesn't stop moving, even when you are talking to her or she is sitting for dinner, she is always moving and always talking!!!  Miss Makenzie!!

And I certainly enjoyed my alone time quietly playing on the floor with Miss Madison.  Madison doesn't get much one on one time with me, those moments were just great.  The first few weeks she slept thru most of the class and the last ones we sat and played on the floor.  SO nice that she wasn't crawling yet.

Family: here are a few clips of her class.

For some reason there isn't a thumbnail for the bottom two, if you click them they will play :-)

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