Early this morning we were woken up by the sounds of a thunderstorm. Lightning was flashing and flashing, the rain was hitting the windows, it was wonderful!! We had a couple good booms that woke Madison, the light sleeper up.
The rain has continued all day! A good heavy rain for most of the day, wow. I can already see the grass turning green. Robins are in their glory today as all the worms have come out from hiding and are EVERYWHERE. The weather isn't slowing them down. The birds have been singing all day and gathering grass, leaves and twigs for nest.
So nice to see so much good activity going on outside. Inside, it hasn't been so fun. We've definitely made the best of it and had many great moments. Sickness has been passed and passed around for the last month and made things
very trying. I was really sick for a week and a half, 3 of the days I was really down and out. Of course, because that's how timing works, Matt is super busy at work and worked late nights and Saturdays leaving us to fend for ourselves. And that's exactly what we did! Took it a day at a time and we've gotten thru each day. We've had a LOT of TV time, that's for sure. Makenzie and Madison now are pretty down and out, but I can tell they are on the up swing out of it. Perfect timing for a rainy day as they don't feel compelled to run out and play with friends.
Here's to hoping this is the end of sickness for awhile!!
Madison fell asleep on my one day she wasn't feeling good while I was chatting on the phone for a few minutes! This was a first! |
Baby Hensley fell asleep as I was giving her her bottle! She was sick too :-( |
Carseat nap on Easter Sunday |
Was snoozing on Mommy until Daddy woke her up for a picture! (Hence my face... Did you really just wake her up!?) |
This was yesterday... we've spent a LOT of time cuddled up on that couch! |
Makenzie took a bath yesterday and got out went right to couch and fell fast asleep! |
After Madison woke up from nap today the rain let up a little. I decided we were putting our rain boots on and heading out. I was done being inside and a little fresh air might be good. Both seemed to be doing ok so out we went!
Big Sister didn't want to wear her rain coat, which was good, because Madison insisted SHE wear it! |
Puffed out cheeks trying to blow all the worms away! |
Trying to squish the worm! |
"Ewwwwwww!" |
So. Stinking. Cute. |
Makenzie didn't last very long but Madison seemed great. And by bedtime both girls were running around being silly. Matt has tomorrow off! SO excited, first day in weeks that he will be spending the day with us. The girls and I are very, VERY excited!!
Those pics are just too precious!