Life's adventures with Matt, Amanda and the girls... Makenzie and Madison!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Our Wednesday

Before I got up this morning I was pretty confident it wasn't going to be a great day.  I woke up on and off all night with a nasty headache and by this morning it was a full blown migraine.  I sent off a warning text to Matt telling him that I may need him coming home early, so plan his work day accordingly.  In the meantime, I took ibuprofen, made myself some coffee (for the caffeine, I NEVER drink coffee and if I do I girly it up... bad!), without DR-ing it all up, put some pain gel on and took a HOT HOT bath and that made things a TON better!!

Which was great because it was a beautiful sunny day, a great day to be outside!  Not a great wintery/ snowy day to be outside... folks we're headed into spring.  We hauled out the rain boots, sunglasses & stroller and ditched the snow pants & sleds!

I didn't realize how sick of winter I was getting until this week.  The birds are singing, I can see some grass and we just love playing in puddles!!!!

Madison went down in a puddle and totally didn't mind at all!  We headed back down the road to our house changed pants and socks and continued the play.  Boy was she upset when she had to go down for a nap.  Can't say I blamed her.

After nap time Matt and Madison went one direction and Makenzie and I went off to her swim lessons!  For those of you in the loop, her swim lessons that she did last winter was horrible.  So the fact that she wanted to take them again is HUGE.  She is being very brave and really doing very well.  There is definitely some fear there still, so it's probably not going as well as it would for other kids, but under the circumstances we're pumped!

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