Whew. What a weekend! Right after Matt & I went to bed Friday night he started throwing up. It lasted ALL night and into the AM. Then at 4 am it started with me. Thank GOD we have two bathrooms because we were each in them at the same time... the Stomach Flu has hit our house!
Thankfully Matt's mom was up to coming over and taking Makenzie from us soon after she got up so we didn't have to expose her to any germs and because we could barely move let alone take care of a busy 2 year old. I was excited to spend the day lounging on the couch watching movies with the hubby not having anything to do. LOL... that is SO NOT how it went! Instead we spent our time in the bathroom or in bed trying to sleep thru the horribleness.
They ended up keeping Makenzie for the night, which gave us even more time to recoop. By Sunday AM Matt was doing a bit better. I'm dragging behind I think because of the pregnancy. Just can't rebound like that! Miss Makenzie came home Sunday morning and by Sunday night Matt was exhausted with her!! LOL. Kids are a lot of work when you don't feel good!!
Today we are up and running pretty good! I have even started some laundry, resanitized almost everything (for the 3rd time!!), and I haven't gotten sick!! Woot Woot!
To keep Makenzie busy I found this craft to do:
Bedtime animals ready to watch Makenzie! |
Boogity trying to find something to do too! |
Cooking oil! |
Add Food Coloring! |
Adding paper heart to tray with a little water in it. |
Cooking oil and food coloring mixed. |
Use dropper to suck up and drop color over paper in water! |
Boogity decided just to watch this time. |
Finished! Time to let them dry! |
How cute!