Two year old is in the HOUSE!! Matt & I have a two year old!! Holy Cow!!! Her turning two was a lot less emotional than her turning one. When she turned one I was just a basket case! I think it was because once she turned one all "baby" things were over. Bottles, nursing, baby toys, clothes in 3 month increments, baby carseat... done done done! Cripes!!
She's still Mama's baby (for another few months) she's just a 2 year old baby now! What a fun day we had. We had a "Fishy" themed birthday party. My mom and I worked on party food the Friday before and everything was set and ready to go for Makenzie's Sunday afternoon party! (Which she almost slept thru!)
SeaWeed: Spinach Dip; School of Rainbow Fish: Rainbow fish crackers; Can of Worms: Jello w/ worms; Fish Food: Chex mix; The Ocean: Cake |
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The fish that didn't make it.... but she LOVED her "Fishys" while they lasted! |
Time for presents! |
Cleaning kit! Woot woot! |
Time for cake! Which Makenzie won't take her eyes off of! |
"Num Num NUM!" |
Makenzie eating cake thanks to her assistant Miss Natalie! |
What a fun two years it has been. So much has changed and she has learned SO much in two years. I'm just in awe of it. We are still really working on growing some hair, other than that she is a big girl that takes after her Daddy! She has been in the 75-90% for height and weight! 3Ft tall and 30 lbs. She wears 3T tops and 2T bottoms and size 8 shoes. Makenzie LOVES her paci and one certain specific blanket that has to be in bed with her at all times. She gets up about 8:30 every morning and goes to bed around 8-8:30 every night and takes a 2 hour nap during the afternoon. "Shenzie" is what she calls herself. Maaama= Grandma Mama= Me Dadee= Daddy Pop= Grandpa. Her favorite sayings are "Yaaaaa... Ya I do!", "Hey Buddy", "You okay?".
She use to be a wonderful eater and now she has gotten VERY picky. She'll eat some meat but not much, some veggies but not much! Her favorite foods are breakfast foods and yogurt. She also loves fruit, but we limit that! We hear the trains all the time at home so she loves trains, she loves books and loves to read. Painting and coloring are favorites too. Oh, and she LOVES to be in the kitchen cooking with Mama and outside with Daddy!!
We keep saying that she's at such a fun stage right now!! She is such a blast! But we've pretty much said that ever since she was born! Bottom line... we just love her to pieces and she is a blast!
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