Life's adventures with Matt, Amanda and the girls... Makenzie and Madison!

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Elf Antics

We don't have pictures of every day and I forgot what Elf did a few days :-)  But here's the rest of Elf's Antics...

/Day 11/
Rollin' round in a roll a TP!  Between Elf and Makenzie we go thru LOTS of TP.

/Day 12/
Elf found some lipstick!  'Ho Ho Ho!  Merry Christmas!  Love, Elf '

/Day 13/
Our little Elf snuck into bed with Matt & I!  Makenzie found him curled up on Daddy's pillow!

/Day 14/
What a sweet little Elf we have, he wrote such nice letters to the girls!

/Day 15/
Elf was playing with the cat!  He was found seated on the top of the Christmas tree dangling Boogity's mouse from some yarn.

/Day 16/
Someone was playing hide and seek!!  And must have needed a little cooling off.  Elf was found sitting in our fridge.

/Day 17/
Elf visited our little North Pole Village!  He certainly didn't look like an elf in our mini village.

/Day 19/
All in for limbo under the snowman ladder!!  Elf and Cuddles (her birthday build a bear dog) joined in on the fun.

/Day 21/
Oh boy!!  Curiosity killed the cat, Elf!

/Day 23/
Swinging on the Potty Chain!  (Poop chain just doesn't sound nice, but really, that's what it is.  When we were potty training a year and a half- two years ago she wouldn't poo on the potty.  She got a loop to add to the chain each time she went and it's been in her room ever since!  She's proud!)

/Day 24/
Elf's last day here!!  Have to admit, it was a good idea for him to take a bubble bath and get nice and clean for his trip back to the North Pole.  I'm a little jealous of a bubble bath, good book and some cocoa.

Makenzie said her goodbye and set him down in a chair by the fireplace.  See you next year!!

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