Matt was home today. Home but busy. Still home, and let me tell you how NICE that is. After three weeks of him being gone almost all day every day we were all so happy! Madison clung to him like glue, which is very unusual. Ha. When Matt and I went on a quick lunch date Madison walks towards us crying, I put my arms out to give her a hug goodbye and she sneaks right by me to Matt. :-) So sweet. That's how we all feel! Just want to hold him home for awhile.
The girls seemed to be feeling great this morning and then crashed soon after breakfast. Arg. Back to the couch they went.
Matt headed outside to start construction on a swing set for the girls. A project in the making for awhile!!! Maybe not in the making, but we've wanted it for awhile... just no time. After working on it for a better part of the day I decided it was a good time for Daddy to be Daddy and left him with the girls while I got groceries. I do not get the girls taken off of my hands much, it was a welcomed break, even though I hate grocery shopping :-).
By time I got back another April Shower had swung in and the kids were out with umbrellas. What's more fun than playing in the rain!?!? Sitting in the garage with Matt watching the kids play in the rain!
Good time for a walk! |
Splashing around with OUT RAIN BOOTS! |
Group Picture! Jaxon busy watching his Daddy drive by. |
Fun times in the rain!! |