At least that must mean I'm living in the moment right!?!?
It's early in the morning, everyone else in the house is sleeping. I couldn't sleep so figured I'd see if I can get a couple post knocked out.
How was everyone's Thanksgiving!?!?
We had a good one. Matt and I each did a turkey that we brought over to my grandparents. He smoked his (yum!) and I stuffed mine and roasted it. They tasted good, by time we carved it and were ready to eat they were not very juicy. :-( I can usually knock out some very juicy turkeys.
The boys with their turkey! |
The Girls' Turkey... Makenzie wanted to help stuff... but just wasn't so sure :-) |
Kudos Girl!! |
Smokin'!! |
Yesterday, we also celebrated my grandparents 60th Wedding Anniversary! 60 years those two have been together! That is SO cool! Those two are so dear to my heart, I was so thankful that we could be there for Thanksgiving AND in celebration of their marriage. Seemed perfectly fitting that their 60th Anniversary be ON Thanksgiving and surrounded by family.
Wrapping up this post I will list some of my "Thankful's":
~My Church/ My God, whom we get all these blessings from.
~My husband & Girls
~Sleeping morning snuggles with Makenzie and Madison after they wake up. Madison takes a bit to wake up and comes at you with her blankie tailing behind her and snuggles for a long time! Makenzie also hauls out the blankie and will cuddle... for a bit.
~Our Family & Friends, each one of them has made an impact on our lives! Some a lot more than others and I thank you for that love and support!
~Slowly falling snow before dawn that falls into a blanket of sparkly snow already fallen. BEAUTIFUL!
~Cooking/ Baking in the Kitchen with Makenzie... Our Thanksgiving Turkeys turned out pretty good!!
~Our Health
~Our Home
Everyone have a GREAT Thanksgiving weekend! We are off to go Christmas Tree hunting :-D
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