Life's adventures with Matt, Amanda and the girls... Makenzie and Madison!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

D is for Dinosaurs!!

Today was a day that Makenzie had been waiting for!!  As we are going through learning the alphabet we decided that we would take Makenzie to see a dinosaur exhibit for a "D Activity".  I knew they were going on and wasn't sure if it was something she would be interested in or think they were scary. I showed her some pictures and asked and she was ALL about it.  It took a few weeks for us to get a date where Daddy could join us out there, so she had LOTS of waiting to do.

We did have to make a quick trip to Meijers and she got to ride the pony!!
We started the day picnicking in our car, surrounded by ducks, at a park.  Makenzie, Madison and I nestled in the back seat!  The ducks totally knew we were eating and had food!!  I was really scared to get back out of the car to get to the front seat but also didn't want to get stuck trying to get back into the drivers seat :-)  We sat there about a half hour while I ate my lunch and fed Madison.  Makenzie was WAY too distracted and took just a few bites out of her sandwich.

Then we were off to the museum!!  I typically always look up directions before I go but figured I had a smart phone and would TRUST that.  M.I.S.T.A.K.E.  Big mistake.  I saw signs for the museum but figured that my phone had a better route.  Ya, no.  We took an annoying half hour detour through nasty traffic.  Thankfully the girls snoozed while my temper rose.

We headed in, wedged the double stroller in and out of the bathroom and we were ready to go!  As I was collecting myself I caught Makenzie covering her ears, then Madison covered her face with her blanket... I turned to see a growling dinosaur next to us!!  Haha!!!

Miss Madison learning to stand! 
Getting brave!  One hand off!
She looks so big!!  :-(
After about an hour Daddy showed up to join us!

Again, covering her ears while going by the Dinosaurs!

By 5 o'clock our feet were tired and tummy's were growling.  Time to go.  Matt told me to follow him out and that boy left me high and dry in the nasty traffic!!!!  Matthew Charles!!!!  I got on the 4 lane highway to see it was bumper to bumper and I needed all the way across.  I got across a little too late then had to go back across for the next exit.  Argh!!  Lesson #2 & #3 for the day.... Don't trust Matthew with directions & leave BEFORE rush hour!

On to dinner at the Outback, we got our Bloomin' Onion and I happily stuffed my face.  Dinner was a little wild.  Makenzie was never facing the right direction, our table was completely covered with everything and Madison is loud!  She happily screeched on and off through dinner.  High pitched, ear piercing screeches that I'm sure the old folks behind her had to crank their hearing aids down!  I remember being at this point when Makenzie was a baby... you can't take her out because she is too loud and too little to understand what "SHHH" means.

Now the girls are in bed and Matt and I are exhausted!!!  Nighty night!

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