Life's adventures with Matt, Amanda and the girls... Makenzie and Madison!

Friday, January 3, 2014

Buts, Sitting, and Why do I always do this?!?

Whew, I am TIRED.  Not like lay in bed and go to sleep tired.  (Well maybe actually!)  But physically tired.  Matt has been on vacation since just before Christmas where we spent all of it being sick.  He went back to work yesterday and instead of me getting up for the day soon after he heads in to work I snoozed a bit longer in hopes to kick this bug.  Today I got up and at 'em.  All of us were ready for the day hours earlier than what we have been and I jumped right in cleaning and organizing. 

Totally not what I had planned for this relaxing do nothing but play with kids and make some brownies kind of day.  That's so how I roll... grr.  It's annoying believe me!  I needed to vacuum the LR floor, which meant our toys needed to be picked up and put away.  Well, many of the toys are NEW and don't have a "home" yet.  I decided that was a good time to find a home and that I would reorganize all the toy storage in the house, clean out a closet, reorganize that, rearrange Madison's room, do some laundry, etc.  :-)  See what I mean!?!?  I do this all the time!
Madison quietly watching as I organize!

BUT, I did all that and the vacuuming has not been done yet, kids are down for naps and I decided I needed to sit and just chill for awhile.  But I shouldn't.  They are down and I should get together everything for our Christmas party tonight so when they wake up we can get back to playing.  Or fold all the laundry I washed.


Makenzie wanted to make me lunch today... found her here....
After we were done eating our mac n cheese I put Madison to bed and came back to...
Makenzie scooping us up some more!!  But those little noodles are all I got out of that deal! 

Yesterday she played mommy and put me down for a nap while she got lunch out!

Interesting lunch, but I went with it.
Pancake, ham w/ cheese on top!

Okay, relax time is over!  I'm going to go finish what I started and have a relaxing night at our last Christmas Party!!

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