It's two mornings before Christmas, and all thru the house most creatures aren't stirring, not even our cat. Miss Madison and I am. Madison whimpering trying to get back to sleep as I dose out medicine so we don't here a peep. Madison laying in bed dealing with a nasty ear ache and I on the computer trying to update my take.
The stockings have been hung by the chimney with care, in hopes that St. Nick will soon be here! Matthew and Makenzie are nesteled all snug in their beds, visions of Christmas cookies dance in their heads. Our tree is all trimmed presents laid out below. Now if we could just have it snow. The Christmas cards have been sent! I have pictures in there so I hope they don't get bent!

It's now 9 pm at night... Madison interrupted my early morning rhyming. Poor baby had another rough day. Last Thursday she got a cold, led to a fever, nasty snotty, stuffy, coughy cold that has led to an ear infection (possible double). No nap on Sunday led to a not so fun Monday. She took okay naps but had to be held all day. Today she was up just after 6 and we spent almost an hour on the couch snuggling with the Christmas lights on! LOVED it!! Definitely gotten lots of snuggles as she has had to be held non stop! (Ouch my arms!!) Didn't get good naps today... one one hour nap. Keeping my fingers crossed for tomorrow!
I love this time of year.... I just love it. LOVE IT! There are so many memories and traditions that I can't get enough of! The past two Christmas's I've been sick and cranky, so I'm totally loving really being able to enjoy the season. Here are some of my favorite things about Christmas...
Our tree! Our REAL Blue Spruce Christmas tree, that is so delicious smelling, sits in the corner of our room displaying years of family memories. As a child my Grandparents (both sides) and my parents gave me an ornament each year. Some are just cute! Some show what I was interested in at the time. Some are homemade, like many little treasures of my late Grandma. My first Christmas ornament sits on there as well as "Our First Christmas Together" star, as we celebrated our first Christmas married. Madison and Makenzie's 1st Christmas ornaments hang along with 2 sets of snowman families, one from 2011 as a family of three and one from last year as a family of 4. On top of our tree is a homemade Angel, that's pattern has been passed down generations, watching over.
I can sit and stare at our tree all lit up for hours!!
I love writing Christmas cards. I know the latest trend is to send out photo cards. I'm just traditional and love to use an old fashioned Christmas Card where I spend all that time writing To's and From's and a special message in each one :-) We also love getting cards and decorate with them.
Quick Visit with Santa downtown! Never goes well but puts a smile on my face :-D
Very intent stares while waiting in line!! |
This is it folks! |
Christmas Dresses on little girls!! Makenzie got a new one that she will be styling in tomorrow!!
Baking Christmas Cookies!! We make dozens of cookies each year and share with friends and family!!
Madison's FIRST time baking cookies at the counter with us!! Typically she sits next to us in the high chair. She giggled and smiled THE WHOLE TIME!! |
One Happy Girl! |
The faces I get after saying 'No More DOUGH girls!' Makenzie's unhappy face and Madison doesn't care and goes for more. |
Love that sweet little hand. |
(FYI... the cookie dough was made before sickness hit! Ha! No need to worry!)
We are looking forward to the next couple days of festivities. We hope you all enjoy the time spent with family and have a joyous Christmas in celebrating the birth of Our Savior!
Merry Christmas!!
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