Good because being pregnant isn't something I especially like. Many woman don't have any problems and my problems I don't think are that bad. But it's enough that it makes for a big change in everything that I do, not only for me, but what I can do for my family (which gets less and less).
Bad because we just have a few months left with the three of us... I do want to savor that and I do want to enjoy being pregnant. (I'm pretty sure we won't be having more kids!!!)
So here's the skinny...
Weight Gain: 24 lbs. I decided today that I am going to try to change what I am eating to lots of veggies. I'm to the point in my pregnancy where my whole body hurts almost all the time. SO, maybe if I ate REALLY good I won't gain as much weight and be as miserable? We'll see... I really don't think I eat that bad.... besides the sweets.

Sleeping: Better, I have a couple of positions that I can sleep like a baby in. It's just the getting into a new position that's the bummer.
Feeling Baby: I feel the baby move more during the days than during the night! Which makes the sleeping a LOT better.
Baby & Makenzie: Makenzie is totally off the pacifier now! So SAD. She just looks so stinkin' cute with it snuggled with her blanky in her crib. Man, I think that was harder for Matt and I to get use to than her. Next step... big girl bed! (She did get big girl panties for Easter.... so we'll see!)
Braxton Hicks: I was having TOO many of these contractions... so last week the Dr had me come in to make sure nothing was progressing! Thankfully I haven't but he did warn me that if I don't SLOW IT DOWN they will progress into something. I had been "trying" to put my blinders on and ignore all my pregnancy side effects thinking that would make me enjoy the pregnancy more and be a better wife and mama! So, once I took the blinders off I could feel that I was getting the braxton hicks quite a bit during the day and then for a few hours each night. Yikes! Now once I feel myself getting the contractions I do my best to finish what I'm doing and put my feet up and rest.
Normally I try to get everything done at the begining of the week so I can enjoy and relax at the end of the week. But I just have to get over that and just do a little bit of housework and laundry each day. Gotta do what ya gotta do eh!
April Fool's:
Matt helped me mop the floors last night... His April Fool's joke was me smearing peanut butter around the cookie container. So, when he went to open the lid he got PB all over his fingers then went to wash his hands off and I had the spray nozzle rubber banded so he (actually we) had a nice cool shower! I looked around and the floors (which were in DESPERATE need of cleaning) were all wet... perfect! So we grabbed the mop and scrubbed the floors. Genious!
So that's the scoop. I'll leave ya with a shot of Miss Makenzie!
You are so adorable with your baby bump!!!