Miss Makenzie is a Daddy's Girl through and through! Every time I go to get her out of her crib (either in the am or nap time) she calls for Daddy and ask 'Where'd he go? Where's Daddy?". She talks about Daddy ALL DAY LONG. It's cute, but can be annoying after answering that Daddy is at work for the 100th time.
Matt's after dinner STRETCH! With Makenzie joining in! (Thanks to this picture I was able to see our pic was crooked!! All fixed!) |
Since I wasn't feeling good this past weekend Makenzie got a LOT of
one-on-one Daddy time and LOVED it. The giggles coming out of both of
them was almost enough to make me feel better. At the dinner table,
when she is done playing with her food, she does what daddy does....
The "Okay, I'm really stuffed" look or "I'm still hungry... do I dare ask for more" look! |
These past couple of nights Makenzie, already in bed, continues talking
to Daddy over the baby monitor for a good hour before she goes to
sleep!! Haha. Last night she was kind of whimpering about 9 so I went
in there to see if she was all right and says... "Daddy, Rock!" So I
called Matt over so he could rock in the rocking chair with her for a
few mins. He put her back in bed and she was OUT. She just needed that
extra few minutes with Daddy last night.
Love, Love, LOVE! |
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