By time I got home I was about ready to explode (if you know what I mean! :0) ) Mom and Makenzie were playing on the floor and she was so intrigued with her toys she didn't pay any attention to me. I felt the love!! After Grandma left we read Axle Annie, a great book that is my mom to a "T"!! It's about a bus driver named Annie that loves driving her kids around and singing and having all sorts of fun... my mom!

Finally, after the story Makenzie decided she was hungry and wanted to nurse! She would nurse for a few seconds, look up and smile at me, nurse for a few more seconds, look up and smile. I can't tell you how long that went on for!! It was the cutest thing!! I got so many smiles and giggles and her babbling on to me in that 40 mins it took her to nurse than I ever have!! In that 40 mins she probably only nursed for 10 mins, but it was totally worth sitting there to see her act the way she did.
When she would look up at me I would say 'Yup, your mama is still here!' She'd giggle and nurse for a few more seconds!! She had Matt and I grinning ear to ear!!! What a joy she has brought to our lives!! All these little memories I hope I never forget.

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