My last belly post was 10 weeks ago :-) And that was 4 weeks late! Sorry sorry sorry. I get to this when I can!
(If you click on these pictures it will make them larger) |
37 Weeks!
Weight Gain: 41 lbs... I do NOT think I am going to hit the 50 lbs I gained with Makenzie! Woot woot! I'm sure I haven't gained as much because of chasing her around all the time and we're just more active in the summer than we are in December :0) I can definitely feel a difference not having that extra 9 lbs. I just got to the point where I am very uncomfy... there are baby parts sticking out of me at all times. That baby can't wiggle a toe without me feeling it. At this time when I was pregnant with Makenzie I could barely get in and out of chairs without help from Matt... I'm much more moveable (for lack of a better word!) than I was with her. AND I had already been very uncomfy for weeks... I'm just to that point now at 37 weeks!
Cravings: Just food! I suppose morning and evenings are when I really want to eat. For breakfast I want the yummiest sugariest (yes new word) cereal. Then after Makenzie has gone to bed I want ice cream and brownies. I don't get that every day... but I do try to most days. It just makes my life easier! I do feel like I'm not eating as much anymore. It has been pretty hot and when I'm hot I really don't have much of an appetite.
Energy: Wow! By the 3rd trimester with Makenzie I felt like a walking Zombie! I was SO tired ALL the time, slept horrible at night too! My nights JUST started getting bad... and my energy is definitely declining. But I had energy for a LOT longer than I did with Makenzie. I think part of it is that there is so much I want to do with Makenzie yet while it's just the two of us that I don't let me being tired get in the way of things. By bed time I feel like I can't keep my eyes open any longer... go to bed... and am wide awake and super uncomfy. (Anyone that has been pregnant is now nodding there head saying 'Yup! Know the feeling!'.)
Sleeping: Just hit on that. Rolling over is just a ridiculous event. I feel like I have a fridge that I am moving from one side to the other... I work to get it off of the one side and into the center (where I'm laying on my back). At that point it just crushes me and pain goes down my legs and thru my back. Then I lean over to GENTLY drop it down to the other side. Then the baby starts kicking wildly because I am squishing him or her and have to start the process over to get back to the other side. As much as this is a pain, I am happy it's happening because I'm getting so little sleep now that I "should" get more sleep after the baby is O.U.T!
Braxton-Hicks: Alright... at 34 weeks we had a little scare. I had contractions 2-3 mins apart for hours. I knew it was false labor.... I could breath thru them... they hurt... but not like the real thing. That lasted from 11 pm to 5 am. As that was going on I was in a slight panic. A. It was early yet and this could turn into real labor. B. We don't have names picked out. C. The baby's room isn't ready!! Soon after that... very soon! We got everything ready.
NOW if we were to go into labor we'll be good! I did a 3 week grocery shopping trip yesterday WITH Makenzie! 2 Stores. What a trip... thought that would put me into labor... or at least have some contractions to get things advancing a little.... no luck. I maybe had 2 contractions. Go figure.
So that's the scoop with the baby belly. The second half of this pregnancy has been a TON better than Makenzie's and I have really been able to enjoy it and like it! With Makenzie I was working at the dealership still sitting down for most of the day and even now when I sit I sure don't sit for long b/c it hurts. So maybe that's why my pregnancy with her was so uncomfy. Most days I'm standing doing something!
I am SUPER excited to have this baby and find out what we have growing in there! Definitely glad that we didn't find out the sex. The excitement really keeps you pumped even when you don't feel good.
(All the Maternity Pics are the ones that my friend did!! Pretty sweet eh!?!?)