Life's adventures with Matt, Amanda and the girls... Makenzie and Madison!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Week 30 Down... 9 to GO!!!!!

Crazy.... that we are in the single digits now for counting the weeks left!! Holy Cow where has this year gone!?!? This little girl is running out of room and has now nestled into my ribs :0) I can't imagine that it's too comfy for her... I know it's definitely not comfy for me! As of next week I am going down to work three eight hour days. We'll see if that stops the contractions that I'm getting on a nightly basis! Otherwise the Dr says everything is well. I'm having contractions, but it's not starting anything!

So it's been a fun couple of weeks since I last was on here updating. Sitting up at a computer is extremely uncomfy- so I'm not on here much! I had another shower. This one was with the Lokers Family.... once again I got spoiled with great gifts!! This baby girl is going to be stylin' too!! All the great looking clothes she is getting will have her dressed to impress!

We also spent our last weekend at my parents place up north before baby!! Next time we're there we will be there with a little girl!! The boys went out hunting while Mom and I just hung out and relaxed! Matt made us all a nice breakfast one morning, had some great White Chili (Thanks Mom!!) and Apple pie Saturday night along with a colorful campfire! Actually I don't think we were able to eat the pie until Sunday because we ate WAY too much of that chili!! Ooops!
The boys had no luck hunting.... no deer were even seen :0(

It was a great weekend though! Nice weather! Sunday afternoon we took a nice walk thru the woods! What a pretty walk! Ruger definitely had fun.... running round jumping on the leaves is his expertise!

Matt did shoot a doe the next weekend!! This past Saturday Matt shot a 100lb doe out of his treestand a ways down the road from us!

I'd say he was pretty excited about it... so far this season he really hasn't seen much at all. So we went out tracking for it Saturday morning and Sunday afternoon with the Grunst clan, we got it all processed and in the freezer!! Natalie and Caleb were quite helpful!!

Alrighty, well here is last weeks Belly Pic....

This pic was taken right after a March of Dimes Benefit Dinner.... I think we all ate for like
two hours straight.... so I'm pretty full here and it's WAY past my bed time...
I'm exhausted!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

It's the Belly Pics!

Okay... for all you bugging me about belly pics.... here ya go!!


11 Weeks!

And there goes that belly button!!

Tomorrow is the start of Week 29!!! I totally can't believe it!! It is very likely that in 10 weeks I will be able to be holding our baby girl!! Wow Oh Wow!! That stresses me out because... her room isn't ready! Nothing has been put away from my showers yet!! There's a lot of small stuff to do yet! I need to start making a list....

Yesterday I had braxton-hicks contractions on and off all day... oh what a joy that was... between that and horrible heartburn :0) That was definitely a good ole pregnant day!

Week 32

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Start of the Season!

So we've got a couple of different "Starts" that started this past weekend! Friday marked the start of our Third Trimester... omg is this going SO fast! And it also marked the start of hunting season!!

Friday night after work, Matt was already out hunting, so I treated myself to an at home spa night!! Oh my was that nice!! People need to do that more often!! I got dinner around and the house cleaned up, then it was all me time until Matt came home. I had my hot cup of Chai Tea, my feet in a massaging water bath, candles lit, music going, and a cat on one side and dog on the other!! Baby wasn't kicking like crazy.... just rolling around. Relaxing!!!

I was actually looking thru some cookbook magazines a friend had given me. As I was going thru those, I realized that these were magazines that my Grandma Brush use to have! Hidden in each issue was a toothpick, so it was our job to help Grandma find the toothpicks! It was fun for about five mins... we could never find them so we'd give them back to her saying how boring those "Old people" magazines are..... well here I am looking thru them and loving them :0) Funny how the cookie crumbles!!

Saturday we had some at home projects to get working on....
Matt dug up all of our potatoes!! Great year this year!

Then as I'm cleaning out the closet in the baby's room I find Matt doing this in the front yard :0)
Another reason we could never live in a subdivision!!

Saturday afternoon I spent my time cleaning out the baby's closet.... which is where we kept all of our clothes! Oh my, what a mess! And how does it end up that she will have the biggest closet in the house!?!?!?

So.... I sorted all of our clothes... then boxed the out of season ones! See the mess!?!?

And where did we get all of these hangers from!?!?!?
So here is the baby's closet without all of our clothes in it... Matt's in charge of the rest. Out of my reach! :0)

Sunday morning, as Joshua's Godparents, we had Joshua's Baptism Ceremony!!!

Then that afternoon started the Shower Season!! We had the first baby shower with the Grunst Family!! Oh what fun! Great food and great gifts!!

The girls that put the party on!! Thank you very much!!

And all of my great gifts!!!