So we've got a couple of different "Starts" that started this past weekend! Friday marked the start of our Third Trimester... omg is this going SO fast! And it also marked the start of hunting season!!
Friday night after work, Matt was already out hunting, so I treated myself to an at home spa night!! Oh my was that nice!! People need to do that more often!! I got dinner around and the house cleaned up, then it was all me time until Matt came home. I had my hot cup of Chai Tea, my feet in a massaging water bath, candles lit, music going, and a cat on one side and dog on the other!! Baby wasn't kicking like crazy.... just rolling around. Relaxing!!!
I was actually looking thru some cookbook magazines a friend had given me. As I was going thru those, I realized that these were magazines that my Grandma Brush use to have! Hidden in each issue was a toothpick, so it was our job to help Grandma find the toothpicks! It was fun for about five mins... we could never find them so we'd give them back to her saying how boring those "Old people" magazines are..... well here I am looking thru them and loving them :0) Funny how the cookie crumbles!!
Saturday we had some at home projects to get working on....

Matt dug up all of our potatoes!! Great year this year!

Then as I'm cleaning out the closet in the baby's room I find Matt doing this in the front yard :0)
Another reason we could never live in a subdivision!!
Saturday afternoon I spent my time cleaning out the baby's closet.... which is where we kept all of our clothes! Oh my, what a mess! And how does it end up that she will have the biggest closet in the house!?!?!?
So.... I sorted all of our clothes... then boxed the out of season ones! See the mess!?!?

And where did we get all of these hangers from!?!?!?

So here is the baby's closet without all of our clothes in it... Matt's in charge of the rest. Out of my reach! :0)

Sunday morning, as Joshua's Godparents, we had Joshua's Baptism Ceremony!!!
Then that afternoon started the Shower Season!! We had the first baby shower with the Grunst Family!! Oh what fun! Great food and great gifts!!

The girls that put the party on!! Thank you very much!!

And all of my great gifts!!!