Well contractions have come back today.... some strong... some not. They are very similar to the ones that I had last Friday, but they weren't this hard all day! So maybe now that we have scheduled to be induced she will decide to come??
After my Dr's appt today we learned that I'm still barely progressing. I've thinned another 10% and dialated another 1/2 cm.... whoopee!! They did do another ultrasound showing that the baby has plenty of amniotic fluid, so that's not something to be worried about. The ultrasound also showed the baby measuring 8 pounds 8 oz! (Give or take a half lb) We headed back up to the birthing center to be monitored once again... this time there were babies in the nursery!!!! What fun to see.
I spent just under an hour hooked up to the monitor.... baby was well... contractions were consistent :0) Boy that's just annoying! The nurse kept coming in saying how ya doing?? Looks like your having a lot of contractions! We had the same nurse both times we have been in now, what a great lady!! Definitely shocked at the amt of contractions and the lack of progression :0(
So we go in Sunday night for them to start the inducing process by giving me an oral something that is suppose to get my cervix moving. Then Monday morning at 6 they will start the IV and the inducing begins. Right on Lindsay's birthday!! Happy Birthday here's a niece!!
Once again, after the Dr's we headed to Grandma and Grandpa's for a quick lunch! MMmmmm!! I had been craving bolonga and cheese! And that's what I got! Along with a big scoop of Mackinaw Island Fudge! Figured it was a good time to splurge since this was going to be my last lunch visit for awhile!
Life's adventures with Matt, Amanda and the girls... Makenzie and Madison!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Are We There Yet???
What an exciting couple of days it has been for us!! Thursday night I had contractions start, leaving us with no sleep :0) By Friday morning I said that we were going to head into Zeeland and figure out what's going on! All of our bags were packed so we were good to go. I was having contractions every 5 mins, but still feeling pretty good! (Unfortunately too good!!)
We went to the Dr's first to find out that I'm only dialated to 1, which is what I was two weeks prior... so no progress was made there... but I had thinned down to 50%. So he sent me over to the hospital to hook me up to all the monitors for a few hours to see if any progress is made! I was totally not in the mood to hear him say that he will probably send me home. After being up all night and totally uncomfortable... ya no.
After we got situated in the room we noticed that I was getting contractions 2-3 mins apart! At that point we were like holy smokes we aren't going to be going home and we're gonna have a baby!! Wrong! Dr comes in a few hrs later.... rechecks me... no progress. He sends us home with the good news that this could last for days! Yikes!
So this is day 3 and the contractions slowed down by Friday night, thank goodness! Talk about wearing on you. I don't think Matt and I have ever been thru that kind of mental exhaustion! By Friday night we were both in tears and mentally and physically exhausted.
Now that the contractions are farther apart they come with a bit more umph than before. Hopefully it means that it is making things progress! When I'm up and around the contractions come more frequently, so the Dr says to lay low so I don't use up all my energy on this false labor.
My parents came down last night with some delicious ribs!! That was a nice distraction and good food! Mom made a bunch of hair accessories for baby Molly too... she is going to be looking good!! So thanks for dinner guys!!
Well here's an update over the last month!
November started with my mom and sisters throwing a great baby shower! What fun, good food, and great gifts! Good company too!!

Mid November the girls at work gave me another baby shower! A Fiesta Party!! Wow what a fun Idea!! I walk in and all these girls are sitting around the table with mustaches stuck under there nose!! Too funny! They stuck one on me and we started taking pictures!

After a few pics they sent me outside to take out a Chili Pinata filled with all sorts of baby stuff!
Then we had a whole buffet of Mexican food to chow on! And we are eaters!!!
A lot of people from Metro all went in on all my gifts so we hit the jackpot!!! We have gotten so much stuff from all of our family and friends!! It really makes us greatful for everyone we know and everyone's generosity!!

Thanksgiving weekend we headed over to the Trestle Stop in Hamilton for our pre-Christmas Tree cutting breakfast!! We met the family there then headed over to Leber Farms!

Boy was this interesting... by time I'm off the hayride my husband is off nowhere to be seen!! Finally I see him and Brian running between trees.... boys will be boys right? So I start picking my trees out (which none of them were good enough for Matt!).

We also finished up with the baby's room. We put up stuff on the walls, clothes washed and put away! Crib is all set and waiting!!
These are some fun thingys I bought off of craigslist.com for a few bucks!! Cute eh!?!? The crib isn't ready in this pic and the valance isn't up, so this isn't current. But you get the jist!
Here are pics of our Christmas tree all put up! You can't see a lot of it because I'm standing in front of it!! :0) These are um.... 37 Week Pics. I'm losing track!

I have updated the Belly Pic blog. So scroll down to see the latest pics!
Also thank you to everyone that has been keeping us in your prayers these past couple of days!! We appreciate all the calls too!! It definitely helps knowing you have a ton of people that will help you in any way they can! Thanks!
We went to the Dr's first to find out that I'm only dialated to 1, which is what I was two weeks prior... so no progress was made there... but I had thinned down to 50%. So he sent me over to the hospital to hook me up to all the monitors for a few hours to see if any progress is made! I was totally not in the mood to hear him say that he will probably send me home. After being up all night and totally uncomfortable... ya no.
After we got situated in the room we noticed that I was getting contractions 2-3 mins apart! At that point we were like holy smokes we aren't going to be going home and we're gonna have a baby!! Wrong! Dr comes in a few hrs later.... rechecks me... no progress. He sends us home with the good news that this could last for days! Yikes!
So this is day 3 and the contractions slowed down by Friday night, thank goodness! Talk about wearing on you. I don't think Matt and I have ever been thru that kind of mental exhaustion! By Friday night we were both in tears and mentally and physically exhausted.
Now that the contractions are farther apart they come with a bit more umph than before. Hopefully it means that it is making things progress! When I'm up and around the contractions come more frequently, so the Dr says to lay low so I don't use up all my energy on this false labor.
My parents came down last night with some delicious ribs!! That was a nice distraction and good food! Mom made a bunch of hair accessories for baby Molly too... she is going to be looking good!! So thanks for dinner guys!!
Well here's an update over the last month!
November started with my mom and sisters throwing a great baby shower! What fun, good food, and great gifts! Good company too!!
Mom made a yummy pumpkin cake!

Mid November the girls at work gave me another baby shower! A Fiesta Party!! Wow what a fun Idea!! I walk in and all these girls are sitting around the table with mustaches stuck under there nose!! Too funny! They stuck one on me and we started taking pictures!

After a few pics they sent me outside to take out a Chili Pinata filled with all sorts of baby stuff!
Then we had a whole buffet of Mexican food to chow on! And we are eaters!!!
A lot of people from Metro all went in on all my gifts so we hit the jackpot!!! We have gotten so much stuff from all of our family and friends!! It really makes us greatful for everyone we know and everyone's generosity!!

Thanksgiving weekend we headed over to the Trestle Stop in Hamilton for our pre-Christmas Tree cutting breakfast!! We met the family there then headed over to Leber Farms!

Boy was this interesting... by time I'm off the hayride my husband is off nowhere to be seen!! Finally I see him and Brian running between trees.... boys will be boys right? So I start picking my trees out (which none of them were good enough for Matt!).
Finally, Matt picks one out!

We also finished up with the baby's room. We put up stuff on the walls, clothes washed and put away! Crib is all set and waiting!!

Here are pics of our Christmas tree all put up! You can't see a lot of it because I'm standing in front of it!! :0) These are um.... 37 Week Pics. I'm losing track!

I have updated the Belly Pic blog. So scroll down to see the latest pics!
Also thank you to everyone that has been keeping us in your prayers these past couple of days!! We appreciate all the calls too!! It definitely helps knowing you have a ton of people that will help you in any way they can! Thanks!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Bubble Baths are OUT!!! (Unless you have a crane!)
After a very uncomfortable Monday, on my way home from work, I said that I would come home and take a nice bubble bath!! Matt has class Monday nights and doesn't get home until late, so it's a perfect opportunity for some me time!

So I light some good smelling candles and get my bubble bath going!! Perfect right!?!? Ha!! I think God is just prepping me for life with kids-- that I will never get a chance for a bubble bath or if I do it will be real quick because our faucet doesn't hold the water in the tub (so the water has to be constantly running :0) ). I hop in the bath tub and instantly realize how small it is!!! I thought I would try shaving my legs... I did get them shaved but what a feat! Nor was it as comfy as I thought it would be. The baby was NOT happy!
After that I decided to lay back and relax. Ha Holy Hannah! That did NOT feel well maneuvering into a position to get comfy. So I get half comfy! Then the cat strolls into the bathroom and starts playing with the shower curtain. Next thing I know he came leaping into the bathtub with me!! Nice. He goes running off and I'm laying there wondering how I'm going to get back up. As I'm looking around I realize that I will never be able to take pics of the baby in the bath tub because around our tub is a nice beautiful black line of crap that doesn't come up for anything. It has even been caulked over and it still shines it's beauty. Bath time is over..... this totally wasn't enjoyable... it smelled great!! So then I try getting up. Haha!! Ya. Got stuck... decided to wait until Matt got home. Then I thought that could be a really long time. Moved a little.... got stuck again. :0) By time I got to an upright position I could hear our garage door opening and I had an inch of water left in the tub. Haha... so I decided to wait for Matt to help me out!! What a look I got from him!
Long story short.... I have added a giant jacuzzi tub to my Christmas list and have realized I can't take a bath unless I have someone around to pull me out!
So I hear that these birthing rooms at hospitals have giant jacuzzi tubs!!!!!

So I light some good smelling candles and get my bubble bath going!! Perfect right!?!? Ha!! I think God is just prepping me for life with kids-- that I will never get a chance for a bubble bath or if I do it will be real quick because our faucet doesn't hold the water in the tub (so the water has to be constantly running :0) ). I hop in the bath tub and instantly realize how small it is!!! I thought I would try shaving my legs... I did get them shaved but what a feat! Nor was it as comfy as I thought it would be. The baby was NOT happy!
After that I decided to lay back and relax. Ha Holy Hannah! That did NOT feel well maneuvering into a position to get comfy. So I get half comfy! Then the cat strolls into the bathroom and starts playing with the shower curtain. Next thing I know he came leaping into the bathtub with me!! Nice. He goes running off and I'm laying there wondering how I'm going to get back up. As I'm looking around I realize that I will never be able to take pics of the baby in the bath tub because around our tub is a nice beautiful black line of crap that doesn't come up for anything. It has even been caulked over and it still shines it's beauty. Bath time is over..... this totally wasn't enjoyable... it smelled great!! So then I try getting up. Haha!! Ya. Got stuck... decided to wait until Matt got home. Then I thought that could be a really long time. Moved a little.... got stuck again. :0) By time I got to an upright position I could hear our garage door opening and I had an inch of water left in the tub. Haha... so I decided to wait for Matt to help me out!! What a look I got from him!
Long story short.... I have added a giant jacuzzi tub to my Christmas list and have realized I can't take a bath unless I have someone around to pull me out!
So I hear that these birthing rooms at hospitals have giant jacuzzi tubs!!!!!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Carving Pumpkins... Halloween... Now we're in the second week of November!! Oh Boy!
Okay, Okay... so I'm so not good at updating this!! (It hurts like heck sitting at the computer.) Nor am I really in the mood to backtrack my last three weeks... cuz I really don't remember details. So here's my best summary!
Matt and I carved pumpkins! Yay... here's a pic of that....
Then for Halloween Dave and Lisa hosted a Halloween get-together at their house!! We had pizza (Thanks to Dave & Lisa), some yummy pumpkin bars (thanks Mom!), and some spider cookies I made!!

So the kids went out Trick or Treating! It was so much fun to see all the trick or treaters that came!! There are some creative kids out there!!
As the night came to a close, Lisa took Matt for a Diaper Changing Lesson! So Matt changed his first diaper AND put Joshua in his pajamas!!
Baby News:
We are now 33 1/2 weeks along! I was having a lot of braxton-hicks contractions a few weeks ago and cut my hours and it has definitely helped! I'm now working 3 days a week instead of four!
My last appt was last week Wednesday! What a fun appt! As the Dr was checking for a heart beat, he was trying to feel how she was positioned... in doing that, the heartbeat went way up and the baby started squirming around. So he rubbed my stomach a min and the heartbeat went back down! So then I did the same thing! It's fun to "hear" and "feel" the baby respond to you!!
I also got to see our little girl again! My Dr did another ultrasound because he couldn't tell the position she was in. What a difference from our ultrasound at 19 weeks! Before you could see almost all of her in the picture... now you can only see a head, or butt, or legs! She has grown so much!! Baby G was in the most uncomfortable position... which makes me extremely uncomfortable. She is diagonal across my stomach with her head in my ribs and butt resting on my hip with her feet right infront of her face!! The Dr says she will be taller than me by time she is two :0) Nice.... So hopefully in the next few weeks here she flips!
It's crazy thinking in a few weeks if I go into labor they aren't going to stop it!! A month from now I could have a baby in my arms!!!!!! Wow!! Matt is definitely getting to the point where he is getting a little overwhelmed!
Here are weeks 31 and 32 of the Growing Belly. I'm also adding them to a previous post so you can scroll down and see the change from pic to pic!

Matt and I carved pumpkins! Yay... here's a pic of that....
Then for Halloween Dave and Lisa hosted a Halloween get-together at their house!! We had pizza (Thanks to Dave & Lisa), some yummy pumpkin bars (thanks Mom!), and some spider cookies I made!!

We also made ghost suckers!!

So the kids went out Trick or Treating! It was so much fun to see all the trick or treaters that came!! There are some creative kids out there!!
As the night came to a close, Lisa took Matt for a Diaper Changing Lesson! So Matt changed his first diaper AND put Joshua in his pajamas!!

We are now 33 1/2 weeks along! I was having a lot of braxton-hicks contractions a few weeks ago and cut my hours and it has definitely helped! I'm now working 3 days a week instead of four!
My last appt was last week Wednesday! What a fun appt! As the Dr was checking for a heart beat, he was trying to feel how she was positioned... in doing that, the heartbeat went way up and the baby started squirming around. So he rubbed my stomach a min and the heartbeat went back down! So then I did the same thing! It's fun to "hear" and "feel" the baby respond to you!!
I also got to see our little girl again! My Dr did another ultrasound because he couldn't tell the position she was in. What a difference from our ultrasound at 19 weeks! Before you could see almost all of her in the picture... now you can only see a head, or butt, or legs! She has grown so much!! Baby G was in the most uncomfortable position... which makes me extremely uncomfortable. She is diagonal across my stomach with her head in my ribs and butt resting on my hip with her feet right infront of her face!! The Dr says she will be taller than me by time she is two :0) Nice.... So hopefully in the next few weeks here she flips!
It's crazy thinking in a few weeks if I go into labor they aren't going to stop it!! A month from now I could have a baby in my arms!!!!!! Wow!! Matt is definitely getting to the point where he is getting a little overwhelmed!
Here are weeks 31 and 32 of the Growing Belly. I'm also adding them to a previous post so you can scroll down and see the change from pic to pic!
Week 32 Day 1:

Week 32:
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Week 30 Down... 9 to GO!!!!!
Crazy.... that we are in the single digits now for counting the weeks left!! Holy Cow where has this year gone!?!? This little girl is running out of room and has now nestled into my ribs :0) I can't imagine that it's too comfy for her... I know it's definitely not comfy for me! As of next week I am going down to work three eight hour days. We'll see if that stops the contractions that I'm getting on a nightly basis! Otherwise the Dr says everything is well. I'm having contractions, but it's not starting anything!
So it's been a fun couple of weeks since I last was on here updating. Sitting up at a computer is extremely uncomfy- so I'm not on here much! I had another shower. This one was with the Lokers Family.... once again I got spoiled with great gifts!! This baby girl is going to be stylin' too!! All the great looking clothes she is getting will have her dressed to impress!
We also spent our last weekend at my parents place up north before baby!! Next time we're there we will be there with a little girl!! The boys went out hunting while Mom and I just hung out and relaxed! Matt made us all a nice breakfast one morning, had some great White Chili (Thanks Mom!!) and Apple pie Saturday night along with a colorful campfire! Actually I don't think we were able to eat the pie until Sunday because we ate WAY too much of that chili!! Ooops!

It was a great weekend though! Nice weather! Sunday afternoon we took a nice walk thru the woods! What a pretty walk! Ruger definitely had fun.... running round jumping on the leaves is his expertise!

Matt did shoot a doe the next weekend!! This past Saturday Matt shot a 100lb doe out of his treestand a ways down the road from us!

I'd say he was pretty excited about it... so far this season he really hasn't seen much at all. So we went out tracking for it Saturday morning and Sunday afternoon with the Grunst clan, we got it all processed and in the freezer!! Natalie and Caleb were quite helpful!!

Alrighty, well here is last weeks Belly Pic....
So it's been a fun couple of weeks since I last was on here updating. Sitting up at a computer is extremely uncomfy- so I'm not on here much! I had another shower. This one was with the Lokers Family.... once again I got spoiled with great gifts!! This baby girl is going to be stylin' too!! All the great looking clothes she is getting will have her dressed to impress!

The boys had no luck hunting.... no deer were even seen :0(

It was a great weekend though! Nice weather! Sunday afternoon we took a nice walk thru the woods! What a pretty walk! Ruger definitely had fun.... running round jumping on the leaves is his expertise!

Matt did shoot a doe the next weekend!! This past Saturday Matt shot a 100lb doe out of his treestand a ways down the road from us!

I'd say he was pretty excited about it... so far this season he really hasn't seen much at all. So we went out tracking for it Saturday morning and Sunday afternoon with the Grunst clan, we got it all processed and in the freezer!! Natalie and Caleb were quite helpful!!

Alrighty, well here is last weeks Belly Pic....
Thursday, October 7, 2010
It's the Belly Pics!
Okay... for all you bugging me about belly pics.... here ya go!!

11 Weeks!

11 Weeks!
Tomorrow is the start of Week 29!!! I totally can't believe it!! It is very likely that in 10 weeks I will be able to be holding our baby girl!! Wow Oh Wow!! That stresses me out because... her room isn't ready! Nothing has been put away from my showers yet!! There's a lot of small stuff to do yet! I need to start making a list....
Yesterday I had braxton-hicks contractions on and off all day... oh what a joy that was... between that and horrible heartburn :0) That was definitely a good ole pregnant day!

Yesterday I had braxton-hicks contractions on and off all day... oh what a joy that was... between that and horrible heartburn :0) That was definitely a good ole pregnant day!
Week 32

Tuesday, October 5, 2010
The Start of the Season!
So we've got a couple of different "Starts" that started this past weekend! Friday marked the start of our Third Trimester... omg is this going SO fast! And it also marked the start of hunting season!!
Friday night after work, Matt was already out hunting, so I treated myself to an at home spa night!! Oh my was that nice!! People need to do that more often!! I got dinner around and the house cleaned up, then it was all me time until Matt came home. I had my hot cup of Chai Tea, my feet in a massaging water bath, candles lit, music going, and a cat on one side and dog on the other!! Baby wasn't kicking like crazy.... just rolling around. Relaxing!!!
I was actually looking thru some cookbook magazines a friend had given me. As I was going thru those, I realized that these were magazines that my Grandma Brush use to have! Hidden in each issue was a toothpick, so it was our job to help Grandma find the toothpicks! It was fun for about five mins... we could never find them so we'd give them back to her saying how boring those "Old people" magazines are..... well here I am looking thru them and loving them :0) Funny how the cookie crumbles!!
Friday night after work, Matt was already out hunting, so I treated myself to an at home spa night!! Oh my was that nice!! People need to do that more often!! I got dinner around and the house cleaned up, then it was all me time until Matt came home. I had my hot cup of Chai Tea, my feet in a massaging water bath, candles lit, music going, and a cat on one side and dog on the other!! Baby wasn't kicking like crazy.... just rolling around. Relaxing!!!
I was actually looking thru some cookbook magazines a friend had given me. As I was going thru those, I realized that these were magazines that my Grandma Brush use to have! Hidden in each issue was a toothpick, so it was our job to help Grandma find the toothpicks! It was fun for about five mins... we could never find them so we'd give them back to her saying how boring those "Old people" magazines are..... well here I am looking thru them and loving them :0) Funny how the cookie crumbles!!
Saturday we had some at home projects to get working on....
Matt dug up all of our potatoes!! Great year this year!
Then as I'm cleaning out the closet in the baby's room I find Matt doing this in the front yard :0)
Another reason we could never live in a subdivision!!
Saturday afternoon I spent my time cleaning out the baby's closet.... which is where we kept all of our clothes! Oh my, what a mess! And how does it end up that she will have the biggest closet in the house!?!?!?
So.... I sorted all of our clothes... then boxed the out of season ones! See the mess!?!?

And where did we get all of these hangers from!?!?!?
So here is the baby's closet without all of our clothes in it... Matt's in charge of the rest. Out of my reach! :0)

The girls that put the party on!! Thank you very much!!

And all of my great gifts!!!

Matt dug up all of our potatoes!! Great year this year!

Another reason we could never live in a subdivision!!
Saturday afternoon I spent my time cleaning out the baby's closet.... which is where we kept all of our clothes! Oh my, what a mess! And how does it end up that she will have the biggest closet in the house!?!?!?
So.... I sorted all of our clothes... then boxed the out of season ones! See the mess!?!?

And where did we get all of these hangers from!?!?!?

So here is the baby's closet without all of our clothes in it... Matt's in charge of the rest. Out of my reach! :0)

Sunday morning, as Joshua's Godparents, we had Joshua's Baptism Ceremony!!!
Then that afternoon started the Shower Season!! We had the first baby shower with the Grunst Family!! Oh what fun! Great food and great gifts!!
Then that afternoon started the Shower Season!! We had the first baby shower with the Grunst Family!! Oh what fun! Great food and great gifts!!

The girls that put the party on!! Thank you very much!!

And all of my great gifts!!!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Is it Friday Yet!?!?
Wow what a day of running around after two nights of getting very little sleep and being sick!! After a Dr's appt in Zeeland, a visit to Grandma's, I sadly made my way into work for the longest 3 and a half hours ever! Came home for a quick snooze then out to dinner with Mom and Dad Grunst!
We headed over to Fricano's in our little "area" of Alamo! I went in there with the mindset of getting pizza, and ended up with a little steak and some unflavored mashed potatoes!! :0( Oh well I still love the place! Great atmosphere!
My 27 week dr's appt went well. I gained 4 lbs since my last visit three weeks ago, which is right on target to where he wanted me at! Nothing else too exciting happened! I had a glucose screening test which upset my stomach very much! (My stomach already was upset from the day before, so it just added to the fun!) Then I have this baby that doesn't quit moving. I swear she knows when I don't feel good and kicks!!!!!! Oh the joys!! I have a friend who had a little saying she kept on her desk "Raising Children is Like Being Pecked to Death by Chickens!" my baby girl isn't here yet and I'm getting this quote! I'm being pecked from the inside out! :0)
We headed over to Fricano's in our little "area" of Alamo! I went in there with the mindset of getting pizza, and ended up with a little steak and some unflavored mashed potatoes!! :0( Oh well I still love the place! Great atmosphere!
My 27 week dr's appt went well. I gained 4 lbs since my last visit three weeks ago, which is right on target to where he wanted me at! Nothing else too exciting happened! I had a glucose screening test which upset my stomach very much! (My stomach already was upset from the day before, so it just added to the fun!) Then I have this baby that doesn't quit moving. I swear she knows when I don't feel good and kicks!!!!!! Oh the joys!! I have a friend who had a little saying she kept on her desk "Raising Children is Like Being Pecked to Death by Chickens!" my baby girl isn't here yet and I'm getting this quote! I'm being pecked from the inside out! :0)
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Attempt to Be Social!
So I really have absolutely no idea what I am doing. This is way more techy than what I am use to. My mom just sent me an email today about this man over 50 having all sorts of difficulties with all the new technology we have these days! Between him and his kids he had the newest and latest gadgets, but couldn't figure out how to use them! Yeah... I'm 23 and that's me. So hang with me on this :0) And if anyone wants to join... maybe you can figure out how to do this before I do and help me out here!!
I'm on Facebook....
I'm on Facebook....
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